Walter - "Does the laundry have to be dirty?" Tyrus - "Nope."

I hear those martinas go down real smooth

Just me and the misses and we have 6 vehicles. But the newest one is nearly 20 years old.

Walt had to kill Mike. Walt knew it, Jessie knew it, Lidia knew it, hell even goofy ass Todd knew it. Why do so many people not know Walt was just bullshiting Mike when he said that.

Jerry hit the one dude with an axe and he died

That's like 4 washing machines

Id watch a cooking show with Betsy. Could call it Betsy's best cooking or BBC for short.

Yep. I'm sitting at 34 until I get their stats up.

I would wager most people do

Also it takes way longer to get to after fast traveling. And you can't customize it like the Megaton house.