i haven’t seen that many seasons yet, so I wasn’t sure if contestants helping each other in physical competitions has happened in the past. thanks for the reply!

new survivor fan here, who has only seen the past 3 seasons. I have seen many survivor fans, podcasters and a few former players state that it is not against the rules to help another contestant during an immunity challenge. is this true or false? thanks!

dubsteps as well, i’d say 60/65 an hour for myself as well

thank you much for the info, I really appreciate it so much!

did it make you gain weight? I have an appt soon regarding my endo and I know that they’re going to push birth control, which i’ve been on before, but it made me gain weight, so I don’t want to be on it again. I know everyone is different, but looking for insight. thanks!

couldn’t agree more, some of these folks act as if there was a chance they weren’t voting for him.

I have unfortunately seen dozens of comments over in r/conservative where people are saying the guilty verdict “solidifies” their vote for trump in november…

The Slim Shady LP

i’d love to know prices on everything

Vanessa Rousso

why did you submit more than one video?

no, i’m stating a fact with a source, that can be found directly on their website. you’re spewing off misinformation with zero sources that was disproven. you’re an idiot lmao. muting this convo now.

you most likely aren’t watching actual news, based on your comments. you said that project 2025 is fan fiction when it is not. the creator of project 2025 is listed on the website. it is the former chief of staff when trump was president, who is a registered republican. the document and plan was created by a trump official while he was in office. again, it is literally written on the website and discussed on several different credible news outlets.

ahhh, typo. meant to say this is correct with the cited source! fixed.

i’m not the one throwing out insults, buddy.

the irony of your comment is hilarious.

I’m wondering if you’re okay because your entire comment is based off of misinformation, including that it’s “looking rough” for biden in 2024. all of the information within your comment is false, yet you are commenting so confidently that you are correct.

this is correct. per the website and other credible resources:

“Paul Dans, former chief of staff at the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) during the Trump administration, serves as the director of the 2025 Presidential Transition Project”.

so no, it was not directly created and “put out” by trump or the republican party, however, it was created and “put out”by trump’s former chief of staff who is also a registered republican.

edit: fixed 1 word I mistyped and didn’t double check

not trying to be rude at all, OP. Just letting you know that there is an official website for it and several other credible resources that explain what it is in depth. you’re going to see a lot of comments on here saying it’s fake, but it’s not.

the fact that the commenter thinks project 2025 is made up just shows how delusional some people are.

you sound very mentally unwell, are you okay?

this question has been asked on this sub so many times within the past week, it’s crazy! yet people continue to ask instead of using the fucking search feature!

this question has been asked so many times on this sub recently, i’ve lost count. 💀use the damn search bar to see if the question has been answered before asking!