Ironically, one of the only honest defence conversations we had resulted in endorsing the car manufacturing industry so it could be converted to military hardware (like other countries) if required.

That's a ridiculous thing to say. I actually held you in high esteem. I'm blocking you now. Not because you were marketed to, but because you're intransigent.

I've watched him very carefully over the years and I'm well aware he admits it's real before he steers into the gutter. Honestly, hand on heart, I'm very disappointed in you. This is just ridiculous. You need to educate yourself.

I've read many hours of yours over the years, I take the time. These recoveries are a reduction in complexity, they expressly show the reduction of the reef. The ne grandpoohbah in charge of matters reef expressly focused on problems other than global warming. Were you there when he made his first speech about this? I was. That twat you refer to is leveraging off our inability to keep money out of politics.

The reef has had multiple mass bleaches in the last decade, the recovery is not only temporary, but the heat resistant corals are much less diverse. This is a feature of the collapse.

Also, if you are cognizant of the inertia in the climate system, that should help.

I've been watching your posts for years, and I've upvoted you thousands of times. This, was a misadventure.

I'm not interested. I've studied this for 30 years. Your post with its disingenuous challenge will bring that which you challenged. The idea that I'd enter into a discussion here like this is absolutely absurd. I have been doing this long enough to say I have studied the collapse of the Franz glacier since 93

Yes, but we're not going to avoid what we've unleashed. We are unfortunately called to do this knowing we'll ultimately fail. It's a wicked situation.

We did, but that was referring to our ability to avoid it, not when it actually occurs.

We probably won't, only large swathes of it. In a few hundred million years it'll be like this never happened.

Well yes, obviously. I'm more concerned with how we deal with living amid this slide into authoritarianism.

Someone just recommended Barbarian to me, and yeah, I watched it. Some weird messed up stuff there.

Homeless people and crackheads.

The other comments on algorithms are correct. I'll just add that as someone who didn't want to amuse myself to death, I rejected all social media other than a few reddit subs. And, I feel like the world went totally insane over 1.5 decades. I hardly recognise society anymore. Not only did they all go insane, but they did it in the same way at the same time. It's actually a strange and hypnotic blend between interesting and horrifying.

I've read most of the comments and I'll just rephrase it all as low civic engagement and low self worth.

OK, here's the rub....

Trees in temperate zones need 20% more water per degree Celsius of warming, and a significant amount of their water must come from shoulder seasons, especially spring. A significant portion of this must be delivered by snow pack on the ground that slowly feeds the trees and provides a long drink before summer. This provides resilience against heatwaves, drought, pests, and diseases.

Unfortunately, this Spring snow is nolonger reliable and melts too soon. Moreover, the Autumn snow is too late and patchy. So it's not just about water, it's about how it's delivered. Sharp rain events are not enough. Think of it like mulch on a garden.

My son did that when he was about 3 years old to a group of Muslim women, "look Dad, beekeepers."

That's a really good question. Part of the reason I'm so dismayed is because we have allowed this to get so bad and intractable that the clean solutions are behind us. There isn't enough land left for a two state solution. The Jews will not accept a one state solution.

First,ci think the world needs to form a new political entity to create a binding solution, not the U.N. We also cannot just let Israel solve this because they've proven that they cannot be trusted.

Ultimately the map needs to be redrawn but with minimal disruption. It'd probably actually resemble one of the earlier deals but with strategic differences in terms of arable land, contiguous land, agency over corridors, access to resources etc. Israel would have to take a significant voluntary step back from where it is now, and strategic trade and global market access and terms would need to be temporarily given to a new state of Palestine so it can actually determine its own future to the point where they feel they have enough of one to leave Israel alone.

It actually does. If you understand history you'd know that. There are quite a few problems we have in the middle east that are very aggravated by the slicing up of land after ww1 and the post ww2 politics. Your comment does not hold up to scrutiny, and, I actually only mentioned it because you indicated the problem in Israel had nothing to do with me.