I’m not at liberty to talk about ongoing projects with fly lords.

I have snake guides grafted to my arm, it really helps for euro nymphing.


If only you could do that without some ass going around you only to slam on their brakes as soon as they get up to the traffic…

Gigging Musician

Possible, yes. Getting good results? Very unlikely.


I always said Cincinnati is the only city where a hill can cause a traffic jam.

I have a sponge and HOB. Sponge I squeeze and lightly rinse hardly ever. HOB has an intake cover that I have to thoroughly rinse out every week or two because of sand substrate. The foam cover has made a huge difference in filter maintenance for me.

I’ll be headed out to the track tomorrow if they move it. But I hope they get it in after this line moves through

I usually just show up with a pocket knife and slash everyone’s fly line in the parking lot.

Much better with money…more like complete cheapskates that try to save every penny in an embarrassing way.

Age: > 10 Years

Lyme is no joke. I got it 7 years ago and only really felt like myself in the last few years. They say you’re “cured” with a month of antibiotics but I had lingering symptoms for 3 years…

Crybaby starks still crying at the refs to this day.

Looks like a pretty standard euro nymphing setup to me. Personally, I would just put the spinning reel back on and just cast an all mono quad nymph rig.

Gigging Musician

I tend notice it heavier when there is more humidity. No idea why.

Gigging Musician

Have you ever taught at a public school before? I once inherited a private student who had been playing for 7 years they still asked if they were supposed to play low 2s…

That’s ok, they’ve been blocked. There’s people like that on every sub that jump to the worst possible conclusion every time someone asks a question and I don’t have the desire to see toxicity like that.

Thanks. I read a bunch about how to ID them and was pleasantly surprised to find them. I left about 99.9% of the patch behind.

FFX. Yes I did the lightning strike challenge.

Did a lot of research and was confident but since it was first time just wanted to confirm.

Age: > 10 Years

We still have an actual cabin. It’s one bedroom/living room a kitchenette and a bathroom with a shower. Whole thing is like 250 sq ft. It’s been in the family for 50 years and it’s going to stay that way for awhile. I’m really glad it has been here for us so long because as millennials, we can’t afford to go anywhere on vacation even with both of us working full time with kids. It’s the only thing that we have that is truly a luxury and probably the only thing like that we will ever have.

Fair enough. Been an avid angler my entire life and know better than to share spots 🤣. I knew finding morels wasn’t easy, but this is a lot more difficult than I imagined. Maybe I’m wrong, but it seems the vast majority of people really into hunting either got spots handed to them by family etc. or got really lucky on their first few trips.

How do you find so many good ones? I’m in west MI trying to learn how to find them better and have put over 40 hours into searching this season and come up empty handed. Have tried all the common advice of looking around elms and whatnot but still am having no luck.

Need Help

New to hunting morels in west Michigan having no luck with 40+ hours or searching and 20+ miles of ground covered this season. Have searched near elm trees, edges of forests, cemeteries, old railroad beds, creek beds, forest fire sites, etc. I have been successful at finding other edible mushrooms and ramps as well but can’t find morels anywhere. I’ve gotten really good at spotting acorn caps in the duff at this point. Have been looking in a state game area with over 1000 acres near the house to look. I want this to be a fun hobby but after putting in this much time, I don’t know what to think.

Gigging Musician

Good advice has been given here but the one that bugged me was how much you were testing notes before playing. Stop that it’s not going to help you develop useful muscle memory or confidence in a passage.

Been playing since 2000 and also feel like ‘23 is far from the best version of the game I’ve played. EA removed the older versions of the game from online vendors so new fans would have no idea how bad the games have become.