Yeah then gutted Medicaid to replace it with his own "plan" that turned out to be blank paper lol. Then he was going to hire the best people an make the best plan. In 2 weeks. Still waiting Donald. But what did we expect? He made his son in law an daughter special advisers to the white house!?!?! No doubt they were the best people for the job. Who the fuck gets to be president then make replace everyone in positions of authority with family members lol. What a con. Would love to no how much money they grifted for themselves while doing that job.

This. Marj an co voted against the veterans bill in congress a while ago but it is never mentioned.

What about Jackson Hinkle? Pure idiot that one. Or that Matt Wallace? Think he is actually worse lol

A had one last night an he knackered the game. He kept going so far in front he knackered up the door triggers on the archive level. He managed to get stuck behind a door IN FRONT of us , the elevater at the end of the different doors an corridors you have to run through. No idea how he managed it but it was auric an we had to quit losing all rewards. Great fun.

Do cars still have priority on the roads? I am Sure I read something about cyclists and pedestrians now taking the priority in certain limited situations. Was a change in the driving laws a short while back can't remember the exact details.

Sooooo reading between the lines looks like it's gona be at least September when we get the itemizaition update?

How do these fuckwits get writing jobs? Because he hasn't a clue what he is on about. He thought bat man was a fascist lol. An the batcave was nearly a sex dungeon? WTF lol.

The stuff he is wearing is basically plastic so drop an roll will just melt it more onto your skin. In this situation just get whatever you are wearing OFF while your mates help by throwing water on you an helping to get burning clothes off. Unless you have mate like this who will throw more petrol over you lo.

Go on the Trump subs an they are all denying Trump has anything to do with project 2025. They reckon that he doesn't endorse it at all it's all fake news. Think they are panicking because more an more people are seeing it so now they are just flat out denying it has anything to do with him.

Was gona say Event horizon didn't do well. Good film too.

On the Trump subs there all on about "what's happened to CNN, why are they telling the truth about Biden instead of covering for him as usual". I pointed out that , shock horror MABEY that news channel has actually been telling the truth about stuff all along. Didn't go down well lol.

Shock horror. Turns out a news channel might have been telling the truth all along? Naa cant be.

Had to watch it three times to see what they mean. Yeah it's a big nothing biscuit lol Jesus Christ.

He acts like this cos he likes to act like this then says "na bro am just acting to get paid". No. You are an asshole who has realised you can make money out of being an asshole but he has to be careful, an keep up the "It's all an act" shit or he would get cancelled quick. It will come he will do something he can't bullshit his way out off. Can't wait lol.

I use the bolt pistol on damnation regularly an it does well. It's a well rolled one with flak/maniac with surgical 4 an explosive proximity one at tier 3. A run stun grenades an fury of the faithful an don't do to badly. Kills all specials in one or two headshots. Crushers take a few more lol but it feels realy chunky to use an I like it. With the new shotgun a find on vet with weapon specialist an agile engagement works well together an kranks for bosses/carapace. What the shotgun doesn't kill it staggers. At the very least it will suppress whatever you shoot at even at range if you get a decent rolled one. On Aurics could do with a damage buff , but then if might be too OP for lower levels like plasma gun ended up. But BOTH fun weapons I think.

Because he has managed to convince a huge part of your population that he us innocent an the "law" is just out to get him. Doesn't matter about evidence , Trump has muddied the waters so much that when he tells people that a court of law with a jury found him guilty , it's all a setup. He has done so much damage to the integrity of the goverment/law that people would rather believe him than actual evidence
That is till he gets elected an uses the courts to go after everyone he hates. Then it will be the best and most trustworthy courts EVER. Trump is going to turn America into the new Russia , where money buys ANYTHING doesn't matter how obvious. An if anyone disagrees they will have an "accident". Watching the slow demise of a once great country because they decided to believe the most corrupt man imaginable. Crazy.

Okay for quicker games but always go the same way. Either your team is wiped in a few minutes or there's is lol doesn't seem to be an inbetween. Good fun though.

The people who succeed as influencers seem to be that asshole everyone knew at school an anyone who wasn't a "frend" was a target. Usuallly they would go to far , someone would have enough an knock them out for being a bully. Now we reward them by letting them act like twats for "likes" an become millionaires. We are doomed.

So what happens if it gets stolen then? Seeing as they don't believe police have any power? Would love to see them try an report it lol

Thanks for the fix been unable to kill heretics for 2 days what with Xbox platform having there own issues. Soon as home from work have to make up for it!! Praise the emperor skulls for the skull erm golden throne!!!

This. They are brought up to have no respect for women at all. So when women stand up to them in our country's they flip. Then claim that they don't know any better because of religion/way they were brought up so a judge gives them a pass.

You know that males sense with the dying light 2 game. That story could have been amazing, but just felt disjointed somehow. Pity good game.

Kids are particular for throwing coins too. An a penny stotting of your head lol. We had loads of these plastic coins at my old primary school. Where okay for card games too.

Tomorrow afternoon!!!! 2 days without my darktide fix thanks to Xbox going down now this. Great times.cheers for the info though pal.

Yeah I am on Xbox series S an has been playing fine till the latest hotfix today. Since that does the exact same as OP describes. All other games play fine so it's not Xbox themselves it's just darktide after this hotfix to change the gunners back.