Well done! I've sold stones like that (and beyond), and I can tell you as someone who has done it a lot, it's a BIG deal, every time.

Tell your boss you'd love to hear his/her ideas, and keep leading back to, "cool, so you'll find and bring in the qualified clients, and I'll take it from there." Getting the trust of people in this echelon is the hard part!

I remember a few years ago, a salesman working for me asked, "how come all these huge deals just fall in your lap?" I replied, "it's simple! I've spent my entire career positioning my lap where huge deals are falling, so now they fall in my lap. It may look easy, but it most definitely not."

Until you talk to them, give them the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they made a mistake in their calculations at some point. Who knows? Just tell them the truth - that it's over budget and over the quote, and it's uncomfortable for you - and see what they say.

GCAL all the way. GCAL is a truly independent lab (I know the owners personally), so when they vouch for a stone, they have no commercial interest in the outcome. WF, on the other hand, has an agenda - branding their stones so they can charge a premium for it.

You said it yourself - the stones are virtually identical, and maybe GCAL was slightly better. So why would you pay more just for the brand name?

The short answer is no, not really. Mining is certainly problematic, but the energy costs for LGs is extremely high. It's very debatable, but most experts would call it about the same either way.

Appraisal and insurance are no problem.


There's more to a diamond than a list of specs! Do you have photos? Videos?

How much are they?


There's more to a diamond than a list of specs! Do you have photos? Videos?

How much are they?

You can structure a contract to solve this. Buyer gets free equipment, and if they stop using your service within X months, they owe you $XXX.


Finance, trust fund, 6'5", blue eyes!

Unfortunately, I don't have any great local recommendations for you. Have you looked at any stones in real life, or just online?

What color of gold are you thinking for the ring?

This reminds me of a time MANY years ago when I went to my college GF's parents' house. I was driving cross country and spent a night there. We were 20 at the time. At some point in the evening, her dad says to me, "my wife and I are going to bed now. You're staying in THIS room, and our daughter is staying in THAT room. Now, we're going to close our bedroom door, and we'll be in our bedroom until 8AM. We have no way to know what's going on outside our bedroom once we're in there. When we open the door, you'll be in THIS room and she'll be in THAT room. Good night!"

It struck me as a great way for them to maintain plausible deniability for themselves - and we all got the message.

It's hard to know without knowing the details of your setting. Let's assume the setting is $2k, so the stone is $14k. That's very reasonable - if it's a nice stone! And again, I really think it's a BS SI1 in this case.

Well, if it looks great to you, it really doesn't matter what anyone else thinks!

For me, that SI2 would be a dealbreaker - but I haven't seen it in person!

Some SI2s are clean, but many aren't (as you're seeing now!).

Where are you located?

Well, the loose stone is way better cut - much cleaner geometry. But it doesn't look eye clean to me.

Can I say none of the above? I think you can do better than these.


Does that budget include a setting, or is it just for the stone? If it includes a setting, what design do you have in mind?

Where are you located?