Customer last lose their shit if items don’t ship within a day. No way REI is waiting a few days, esp during a sale

Or just an actual inventory error where they couldn’t find the shoes, canceled the order, did a cycle count and lo and behold they found the shoes but now the sale was over. Happens all the time.

OP just needs to call REI and I’m sure they’ll honor the price if they do indeed have them in stock

I take twice as long because I’m slow

Is there a number you can call? Email responses are typically a few days, the 24hrs you waited isn’t really concerning. If you’re antsy I’d give them a call

Long bed tundras can be hard to find. Standard is 5.5. My Tacoma is a 6’ bed. Just my opinion, but the short bed Tacoma’s are pretty useless, might as well get a 4Runner

That seems like a pretty crucial tool… not like it’s some super specific tool that maybe gets used once a year for some bike with weird standards.

Maybe explain to your boss how many components on bikes have torque specs and that it’s a potential safety issue if you don’t have that tool

This is happening in Moab right now

I’d get a job before moving out here

This. Sound quality should not be the main concern while riding a bike

A twin will fit between the wells

Makes me think OP is a bad driver and totals cars. Truk probably fits just fine but he sucks at parking and knows he’s gonna hit someone so wants to get rid of it

I wasn’t talking about the cost. More how does the vehicle not fit? I just don’t understand where they are parking that this vehicle doesn’t work for them

There are aftermarket companies that make these (maybe not this specific model). Cool they are helping out after the warranty ended, just seems like a lot of hassle

Curtain at the base of the stairs. A hydraulic door sounds expensive and annoying to use multiple times a day

Hmm can’t imagine a new part costs much more than repairing this and would be way safer. Interesting warranty decision

Sad. I love that stretch of trail and had always assumed it was public land. This screams greed

Ha my first thought too. How did you even get your tire up to 150!

Glass is a liquid

There are countless YouTube videos showing how stabilization works on new GoPros. I think you’d get a better idea of if it’ll work for you watching those

Plenty of people drive full size trucks that live in apartments. I’m curious how it doesn’t fit?

Oddly, I think Outlook on Mac is way better than on windows

Y’all know they don’t actually make this stuff, right? They rebrand products they can get a good wholesale cost on. If you find the brand that actually produces it, you can usually get it a lot cheaper

90% of “lifetime warranty”s are the same. It’s marketing. Doesn’t mean it’s not a bad guarantee tho. Just that they’re not responsible for you not taking care of your stuff

Isn’t there a dude that makes a super tall stem that accomplishes this same thing? Pitches it at mtb festivals