The letter was so cringe to begin with for me but once I read the additional info it was way weird and inappropriate. That would have honestly creeper me out.

I'm so sorry you're bullied. People really suck. They doknow how to be genuinely nice decent humans. It will get better. Don't give up on yourself.

Yes diamatacoius earth. It's cheap and effective but please please please wear a mask. If inhaled you can get very sick. I know because I am currently having a bad cough from it. The first day I could not barely breath. So just be careful with it and weat a mask.

Christmas happens on the same date each year. If by then you are not ready that's on them. We deal with so much already as retail employees. We deserve to be off that day and be with our families too. Only entitled not prepared idiots would say that. I hope Target never ever ever opens on Christmas.

This is one of my favorites. Flan!! You can make it traditional where its like a custard or do it more of a cheesecake consistency if you add cream cheese. You can do flavors too like coconut. Or even do what's called a flancocho where it's half cake half flan. Either way you make it its so good!!!

3 things you'll see in Tom Cruz movies: him running full speed, him on a motorcycle, him doing a crazy stunt.

I absolutely love them!! Great use of colors.

I hope she got a flat on her way home and all her cold items got ruined. What a C word! That's such a rude and shifty thing to say.

Any type of insurance. Health, car, home insurance. It doesn't matter. You pay each month and the moment you need them you gotta go through all sorts of obstacles to possibly get help..

Honestly I love them all. It's hard to pick but if I must I pick 9.

I feel like these were the parents of the kids from the under the bridge video lol.

He reminds me of me ex so much. I learned the hard way my ex was a lier, manipulative con artist a$$hole!!! Bilal reminds me of him and he just makes my skin crawl. He is so manipulative!! Everything about him is a damn red flag to run and never look back.

That daycare needs to be shut down immediately! Report please. This is awful to know that people do this kind of thing to innocent kids.

Everyone has insecurities or something they don't like that much about themselves but honestly your nose is fine. Own it. It's confidence that brings out your beauty not no damn nose job.

They still used their time, gas, car, energy to shop for you. Some folks are honestly not the best shoppers so maybe leave them a comment about the issue and perhaps lower the tip a dollar or 2 but to tip 0 I don't think is right. They may even flag you as a tip baiter now.

Yep! Florida Target employee here. It's been crazy af in drive up!!!

You are beautiful girl! If anyone ever made you feel otherwise it's because people are mean and they effing suck! You have a beautiful face, smile and hair! Don't hide it!!!

You are definitely not ugly!! You are handsome and have beautiful eyes. I think your confidence has been lost a bit because of the situation but you are not ugly! Keep your head up and know you are worthy of love!!