5’1? Us 6ft+ brothers need to leave you for abdi vertically challenged, sorry

The same type of men you refer to also do not consider women ‘the prize’. In fact, thinking that anyone is the prize is stupid to be frank

Why would Allah reward me for my good deeds if I am not responsible for them?

:PL:Premier League

As an Arsenal fan, all we can ask for is progress and to continue challenging the top teams for titles. Pep is also leaving after next season. Things remain bright even if we don't win anything next year.

Honestly, if this gen wins nothing but 1pl and 1cl, I'd be happy. A CL trophy alone would make arteta a legend.

whyd you get so many downvotes loooooooooooool. I don't think it's the men downvoting, so can someone explain

Reframe the situation you're in so that it isn't a performance, but practice for your husband. With enough talking stages, it will subside. Probably quicker than you think, the thing limiting you is that you are feeding into your anxiety by avoiding the situation. The more you avoid, the worse it gets. The more you engage, the less you will feel it.

Promiscuous women are repulsive even if I was a non Muslim guy. 100% deal breaker

I kinda get what he's saying, but you are correct. Perhaps there's a middle ground where we can say alhamdulilah that Allah did not put us in a test that would've been very difficult to pass. There are certain scenarios, life circumstances, personal characteristics that would increase one's likelihood of engaging, so alhamdulilah that these uncontrollable factors did not lead us to darker paths.

Let's be real though bro, you are in the minority of men. Most guys do care about looks/body type to a higher degree than women care (but women still care for sure)

Slim/skinny women is better than overweight for sure. On social media they cater to everyone's feelings but we know how men move irl. There's defo men who like heavier women, but it's not the majority.

Let's dissect this a little bit. You're saying all the baddies are getting cuffed and that men only care about beauty and education a bit.

  1. What kind of men are these? Are these the righteous sort of men who will raise righteous kids? If not, who cares who they choose?
  2. If they are righteous men, are these men aware of any potential pasts/zina that their girl has engaged in? I highly doubt a self respecting man with options will choose a loose woman.

It's a bit of tricky one cos you are correct, but at the same time we can focus too much on the superficial. I say this to myself as much as anyone else, but we have to do some reflection to find out what will truly make us happy. Do I really need a 9/10? No.

Finasteride has a chance to make your equipment down there stop working. Scary stuff. MY hairline is calm but I can see it start going so I'm gonna stick to minx and dermastamping. If that doesn't work, rocking the bald look confidently

What's your path to data engineering? Any resources to learn you could share?

I hear you but that doesn't detract from what I said

Yes but this is something you allow to happen.

I don't understand why people don't just deal with reality. If 6ft+ is your criteria, you've already dismissed 80% of the male population (or more). You can absolutely have whatever criteria you want, but if you're serious about settling down with a good partner, you need to let go of some superficial ideals. I'm not being rude but if you're approaching 30, might be time to sit down with yourself and reevaluate your decision making process here.

And before someone comes at me thinking I'm being salty cos I'm short, I'm 6ft

Limerence? Involuntary? Idk if I'm being harsh but this feels like something that can only come from a flawed worldview.

This is genuinely the only way that I can conceive of having an orderly life. That's why I'm dead set on getting a career that earns enough to enable this

Agreed. I think it's virtuous that anyone would hustle to make ends meet and work hard in a halal manner.