:flag-ro: Romania

Well cuisine differs from region to region, the fish and seafood based cuisine is most developed in the coastal region of Dobrogea.

What we most eat are anchovies fried in corn flour, a type of sea snails called "rapane" I have no idea how to call them in English, mussels are very popular usually made in a white wine sauce with garlic and parsley, or smoked and eaten as an appetizer, fish roe/caviar prepared in many different ways, all sorts of fish from the Black sea, like sea bass, a type of local tuna called palamida, needlefish (zargan), red snappers (barbun), different types of sturgeons (nowadays they are intensely protected and very hard to find, and extremely expensive when you do) and most appreciated is the turbot (calcan). From what I know, being a bit of a fish enthusiast myself, the Black sea turbot is considered the best, highest quality turbot fish money can buy, and there are enthusiasts who travel (usually to Istanbul) to taste the famed Black sea turbot.

This is for the coastal areas, the Danube Delta has it's own specific fish based cuisine, from various kinds of sour fish soup (bors) to stuffed pike fish and many more.

There are a lot of fish restaurants either in the coastal areas or in Bucharest that use traditional recipes for various fish dishes, they have really been on an upswing.

The interior of the country usually eats trout and other river fish but they're not as special as the ones from the sea, nor are the recipes as sophisticated.


Absurd at times, infuriating at others, it sometimes feels like you’re a character in a Kafka novel, but I wouldn’t have it any other way, I love it, it’s an amazing country, but people on here will insist otherwise. This is a cultural problem that afflicts the nation’s collective psyche.

I think Romania and the Balkans in general are a happy middle ground between east and west. We have a lot more in common with Balkan nations and Turkey than we like to admit. It’s certainly a different ‘Europe’ to what people are expecting.

Other than that, the economy is growing, lots of jobs available, skilled blue collar workers can earn a very good living, housing is still affordable for the most part, even though the past few years have seen big price increases.

Public services suck, healthcare and education are sub par. If you have money you can get access to much higher quality services from private entities.

Big cities have become a lot more sophisticated in the past 10 or so years with lots of gourmet restaurants, specialty coffee shops, art centers, museums, events and lots to do in general.

The country itself is amazing, it has some of the last true wilderness areas left in Europe and I absolutely love that they aren’t overwhelmed with tourists. There are bears though, so don’t get too comfortable.

This is a separate issue but there has been a spate of bear attacks on tourists lately, so I’m taking the opportunity to warn whoever might think of visiting. People in the west seem to be so disconnected from reality that they have lost their natural sense of fear of wild animals. Bears are not pets, do not feed them, do not interact with them, they are neither cute nor cudly, they are an especially vicious apex predator.

If you start on the Black sea and cross the country towards the north west, you will not only see amazing geography but you will also witness cultural change in real time. From the minarets of Dobrogea, to the hustle and bustle of Bucharest, the beautiful castles in Sinaia, the ancient and medieval fortresses along the way, fortified churches, and cities filled with elegant Art noveau architecture, you pretty much have it all from the orient to the occident.

2 camere da, 3 cam mai greu sau doar la periferie.

Greu cu agentii imobiliari dar mai sunt si unii ok care isi merita banii si chiar te ajuta si te consiliaza. Rari totusi. cred ca e cel mai bun. Si storia e ok.

Nu si-au platit nici furnizorii. Cunosc pe cineva care inchiriaza echipamente pt spectacole, s-a dus vineri seara si a demontat ce montase acolo ca nu l-au platit cum a fost vorba. Tot incercau sa il amane.

Olandezii astia care au pus mana pe acest festival sunt niste tepari dubiosi.

Political polarization and social media, no doubt. People need to remember that left or right, we fundamentally have the same interests, just different visions on how to achieve them. It’s fine to disagree, some ideas on the left are good, some are bad, some on the right are good, some are bad. If we keep yelling past each other instead of actually talking we’re never going to achieve that happy medium.

Prioritatile sunt pe sensuri de mers nu pe tipul de vehicul. Asta e o stupizenie. Tramvaiul are prioritate in mers ca merge pe sina lui, biciclistii sunt ca gainile, nu pot fi anticipati. Nu ai cum sa le dai prioritate in mers fara sa incurci tot traficul.

Foarte bine ca politia isi face treaba, sunt satul de cocalarii astia pe doua roti.

Gunoi de articol clickbait. Poate ar trebui sa dati si clic inainte sa comentati:

Potrivit portalului ANI, „Ca urmare a unor defectiuni tehnice, Portalul declarațiilor de avere și de interese nu este disponibil momentan.

Merge e ok. Dar Angostura e preferatul meu momentan.

:flag-ro: Romania

Yeah, you should be fine. American black folks are usually seen in a positive light.

If you visit eastern Europe you will get a few stares but not out of malice, usually it’s just curiosity, people aren’t used to black folks.

In Italia iti trebuie full casco. Trust me.

Rom. Romul de calitate este o bautura foarte sofisticata, din pacate perceptia generala e ca e mediocra din cauza gunoaielor gen Bacardi sau havana club.

Recomand Angostura, Mount Gay (da pe bune), Diplomatico.

Mai lasati-ne cu imbecilii aia de pe fuckcars. Orasul nu e pentru biciclisti e pentru toata lumea.

Iarasi aceasta specie are tot la fel de multi bizoni ca orice alta specie de participant la trafic. Nu merita nimeni tratament special.


Cand au inceput astia de 20 de ani sa imi vorbeasca la plural. Asta plus o durere inexplicabila in genunchi.

De asemenea iesitul in oras sambata noapte ma da peste cap pana luni. Si nici muzica tare nu mai suport.


Lots of new buildings going up, no metro nearby. And it’s only cheap by your standards. For us it’s mid tier.

Sector 1 is large and includes both super fancy areas with million euro apartments or villas (primaverii, dorobanti) and working class districts like Giulesti or Bucurestii Noi. Also depends on the building. You can have million euro apartments in one building and an old communist apartment in the next one that’s worth 1/4 of that. Cheap apartments in S1 can be found but they are for sure older ones. Also as I said, ‘cheap’ is relative.

Where are you from btw?

:RoTroll: Romangutan

Dumb w*stoids think we ‘cleaned’. We cleaned it alright.

M-au pus sa le trimit sursa fondurilor, eu aveam la acel moment salariu minim, dar castigam din dividende, le-am trimis dividende luate cu vreo 2 sau 3 ani in urma, ca nu mai luasem intre timp si tot cereau “recent”. Sunt niste maimute. Pana la urma am dat de unul care a inteles si mi-au deblocat banii.

Nu e vorba de prioritati. E vorba ca si unii si altii dispretuiesc regulile.

Zero sanse, iti pierzi vremea. Trebuie sa platesti 9%. E prost facuta legea, sau poate chiar e intentionat asa… orice e posibil.