Yes? wine is cheap. You can get pretty good wines for 50,-

Thank you! Finally a tourist that doesn't complain about unimportant things. Copenhagen is the best

Søg arbejde på Elling ammunitionsfabrik. Det kræver dog nok først nogle kurser

Hvorfor synes du det er vildt at han gerne vil have det? Det er da ikke vildt at man gerne vil have Rusland ned med nakken?

Tjek RUSK på Amager. Møgbillige øvelokaler. Priser:

Hvorfor helvede får min kommentar downvotes? Det er sgu rigtigt nok. Haha. I er sgu dumme herinde

But what is very specific in this sub is that Copenhagen somehow has butthurt all of you.

And you guys are even complaining about door handles now. What's the next? Fences? Are there anything left to complain about in this sub?

Please let us understand then. Which issues?

Du afleverer den til politiet. Så får du 10% ad telefonens værdi

Det her giver mig bare lyst til at støtte Israel.. og smid de hjernedøde personer ud af universitetet. Smid især den lille konfliktoptrappende hystade tilbage til hendes eget land. Hvad fanden ligner det at komme her, med sin udemokratiske attitude og sprede had og uro på den måde?

Nej, disse instruktører bliver ikke sendt ud i fronten. De er bag beskyttede linjer ligesom zelenskij. Dog mindre beskyttede, men stadig beskyttede. Tror slet ikke det udleder en åben krig, da en del af præmissen er at de risikerer at dø.

Haha, says the guy with -99 karma.

What is the problem then? If your criticism is debatable, then why is the defending a problem? I understand you want people to just accept your criticism and agree. But if your criticism is debatable, then I don't see why people should accept it. People don't want other people's complaining and moaning about the place they love and live in. It's understandable

Can you please make a list of those negative points you a referring to, and then compare them to the countries doing better.

It would be a lot easier for us danes to understand it that way.

I see the bus terminal and danish people being unable to take criticism pisses you off. Which other points are we being defensive about?

Ignorance and propaganda. They're being lied to by the evil. I it's insane how Putin and Kremlin sets checkmarks in all parameters for being this stereotypical axis of evil. See how all his minions fears him. He's like the emperor from star wars

Racism doesn't have to evolve entirely around the appearance of a person

All danes always inebriated? In all situations? Thanks man

Opskrift på kød og melbollesuppe 4 stængler bladselleri eller tilsvarende knoldselleri

2 Løg

2 Hvidløg

4 Gulerødder

2 porrer

1 håndfuld frisk timian

1 håndfuld frisk Basilikum

1 oksekødsbullion

1 grøntsagsbouillon

4 liter vand

2 spsk olivenolie

25g smør



Hak grøntsagerne til små stykker. Varm den store gryde op med olie (brænd ikke olien på). Smelt smøret og sautér løg, hvidløg, gulerødder, porrer, timian og basilikum. Hæld derefter en vand i gryden, tilsæt bouillon og lad grøntsagerne koge i 10 minutter på middel varme. Tilsæt kød og melboller de sidste 3 minutter af kogningstiden. Smag til med salt og pepper. Så er suppen klar

You can only walk on the stripes. If you touch the gaps, you will die.

I know some people are making a living of bike theft here, and many og them goes to Eastern Europe. That's why I made my current bike "unattractive". Sometimes people can't even have their bike locked at some places, before they are gone after just an hour. Bike thieves are very active here and the police have other priorities. Even if you can track your bike and tell them where it is.

Can you tell me why you would prefer a mid-drive? I guess it's more energy efficient than a hub?