And according to religious law, El Hitlerino is in heaven cuz he did the deathbed conversion loophole christians are famous for.

"Doesn't matter how bad, if you accept Jesus as your lord and savior he will wash away the sins"

Hate it. Hate it. Hate it.

5, 4 or 9 for all the same reasons: most likely to be "normal" and varying degrees of "leave me alone I just want to finish the flight"

Longer than living memory might be a good start. It's not fully yours if people remember when it wasn't kind of thing.

That's how I feel about all the incel redpill memes, take the Culture war somewhere else

What's our claim to Israel where we've been gone for 2k years if lands we left 80 years ago (and lived in for those years) we have no claim to call home?

What if I say it has no right to exist because:

it's not how the Torah/Bible said it would be made and therefore is a false light leading further into darkness?

Or that Israel was only made so that evangelical christians can check off the boxes for Armageddon? (I think Ethan believes this point but I forgot?)

The Jewish homeland really is Europe, Yiddish being the prime evidence of where we built culture?

Do these positions, of which I believe all 3, make it so I need to prepared to leave my homeland where parts of my family have been here for over 300 years?

I was hoping someone else caught that.

Cape colony had me thinking "I don't understand this game at fucking all"

People mispronounce his name so often that it's the main reason I hate the man. He's out here ruining both his name and mine cuz he can't not be a schmuck!

It's all good 😆 just this is my personal "delete it fat" that I feel the need to do whenever I see his name done with a T 🤣

Please leave the T out of his name. Shit jump scared me lmao

I'm so happy someone making a video about Tolkien is pronouncing his name right.

We can kill their armies, but we can't kill their spirit.

The political victory is the one that matters, Vietnam was such a clusterfuck that had people brainwashed into thinking fighting war against people who didn't want to be partitioned by foreigners was moral.

Dodging the draft during Vietnam was the moral position, and I'm happy America has never been invaded, cuz our farmers in flip flops are prolly the best in the game 😆

They weren't claiming to defend land that wasn't theirs It was a deliberate policy of expanding their religion (which it's all the same religion anyway)

That policy led to Tours (which was defensive) but the crusades weren't. Unless the person believes in Christian imperialism where they have claim to all Christian lands, like Isis/a caliph does with Islam.

History is usually bad guys and worse guys, in the crusades the worse guys lost, bad guys won.

But defenders are almost always the "less bad" guy: Russia v Ukraine, Israel v Palestine. Defender is the latter, and lesser evil in both cases.

Colonialism is a curious thing. Did England colonize Scotland after it depopulated it? Did the French effective colonize England with the Norman conquest? Did colonialism start with germanic migrations in the 5th century? Were the vikings colonizers?
Or does colonialism require a plan to extract wealth from exclaves?

Dictionary definition would exclude the above and the Islamic expansion from colonialism, but it feels applicable to them.

Not the "crusades were in defense" 😂 I legit thought that was a joke leftists made about the alt right. Also, the crusades proved the Islamic war methods were superior in the end. (barring some glorious exceptions: Richard I, Baldwin IV, )

The crusades themselves were more a project in colonialism for the lords of christendom than defense of the holy land, since the west didn't own that land but wanted it for their second sons. (incidentally the popular [led by everyday christians]crusades massacred Jews and was a disorganized lynch mob which indicates the priorities christians had at different socio economic strata, namely: nobles wanted land/prestige (maybe some vengeance), peasants fully bought into propaganda and wanted "vengeance" more than anything.

Forgive but dont forget. No one should be allowed to fully come back from abusing parters/children. It's such an easy "don't do this"

They can be tolerated/accepted back in fo society but shouldnt be praised as they had a moral failing on one of the easiest ones, at best an example of "people can change" but don't lump them in with normal people just cuz they eventually fixed their shit.

Similar to addicts in that, they can fix themselves but they require special treatment (support for addicts) and/or monitoring to make sure they don't relapse.

Tldr: Abusers, Rapers, and murderers don't deserve to be fully redeemed.

Wtf 🤣 idk why this is so funny, like a national geographic discovering urban machismo and mistaking it for autism.

Like I said, I was 10, vpns weren't nearly as ubiquitous in 2005 and my parents were the real force I was worried about 😆

In reaction to that I found ways I could use my own position of privilege to get the boys access to stuff without risking anything, I guess it's "risky" nowadays what with the password sharing stuff but that's a ridiculous thing to enforce and am willing to get klapt on that.

Biggest reason I generally am ambivalent towards piracy is I want whatever money I spend to reach the artist. Artists getting paid is my 2nd priority when consuming media. I also kind of see piracy as something for those who need it, as it's a great resource to find new stuff on a budget/you don't wanna watch a let's play.

Yes hello that's me. I got a cease and desist from my isp when I was like 10.

Imo Praxis is less about piracy and more about sharing my 5 streaming services with friends because

1) pirates are a mixed bag of people who value cost over quality

2) if I can afford it, I'll make it so the boys don't have to, and then use it as a springboard into some light agitprop

I don't get it. He is the DEI mayor. Democratically. Elected. Individual.

Hyuck hyuck 🤡

Fuck the Culture Warriors.

I'm convinced atp that if you see this in your day to day real-life, it's because just the shoe fits.

I've seen l actual men out here talking about Tree vs Woman in response to Man vs Bear(absolutely missing the point and centering themselves in the convo)

,I've never seen radfems like this irl, and even online, I don't get that type of content cuz I'm a happy person generally and don't watch rage bait.

Among other things, this is why I love one of my aunts so much. She was a big investor into apple and Amazon in the 90s and early 2000s. Goddamned Genius that she is.

Incidentally since I play Ck, the running joke is "don't tell derkuhlshrank he's our heir, he will kill us" but I'm just happy that they are leaving it to my sister and I, takes lots of stress off, if I don't die in the meantime 😂🤣

I always thought he loved Henry's mom but she chose Martin instead, Radzig kept them close for familial and to make sure "he treats her right" reasons.

Mostly based off, we never really see Radzig take interest in having an heir or making one or getting married coupled with the respect he has for the man who "took his girl"

But also it could be much more crass and low, but I prefer the romantic version.

Still, Martin is Dad. He's the one that raised Henry and taught him stuff, Radzig did provide the opportunity for them to live their life.

And with how Radzig speaks of him, Martin is MegaDad