Yes you need anarchy but you can stack is really fast just playing. At least to a useable degree. Sure 400 takes a bit but 150 is really fast

Not really, sal has a ton of builds that all use money shot, non are called money shot. Almost all of zeros builds have b0re but non are called b0re, or sniper zer0 builds are not called CA. Cloud kill isn't a build, Ruin isn't a build.

All of gaiges endgame builds use anarchy sure, but there are many builds that you can do with that.

Builds are also not just skills, builds are a combo of skills and gear.

Anarchy isn't a build, it's a skill. That's like saying Maya's only build is reaper.

The Brooklyn breakfast sandwich from Stalzys is r better but it's as near a perfect sandwich as you can get

It depends on how you define powerful.

Most I would guess would define ability to raid as powerful but even that is complicated. While sal is the easiest he isn't the fastest. Zer0 and Krieg have the highest damage potential but there are conditions and set up to get there.

If you go strait by DPS Maya is dead last but many here put her quite high.

Going by survival then sal, Maya and Krieg are top 3.

Main game/mobbing while Maya is lowest DPS her crowd control and AOE/CR might make her the strongest.

So there is no answer, all the vault hunters are the strongest and weakest one one thing or another.

So a lot of it comes down to what matters to you the most.

I kinda like this stuff just to remind people that star wars was never perfect so chill about new Star wars as well. Soany freak out if something in the new movies is not scientifically accurate but give as pass to the old movies.

I prefer to hold them to the same standards

Just a giant plot hole that they could take a turn like that, especially in space.

Star wars is called sci-fi but it's really a fantasy movie in space.

Nothing is scientific in star wars, but the og movies were full of stuff like this.

I definitely didn't go that far, but you should take responsibility for your actions and you should follow simple rules to not ruin camping for others as well as not harm nature.

Definitely not a literal or any kind of fascist.

Also you might want to look into therapy because this seems like some anger issues.

Parking in Madison is so cheap this is probably overdue

But it's not just your consequence, you are training the animals to look for food in tents you ruin it for everyone and you cause harm to the animals there.

Follow the rules or stay at home.

Really depends on what kind bar you are in.

If you are at a dive bar it's generally best to stick to simple drinks, gin and tonic, whiskey sour/ginger, vodka soda, etc...

If more of a cocktail bar they usually have menu or you can order most things.

In a supper club, old fashioned.

Find what liquor you like and something most your local bars carry.

Never bring any food in your tent ever. You are training animals to look for food in tents. You not only wrecked your tent but your encouraged that aminal to destroy other tents.

This is such a simple rule, drives me nuts people can't follow it.

Just clean it with soap and water

Onewind is the only answer and the only decent hammock on Amazon

I know, but I've seen some of the pans that are only coated on the outside

I have seen some of those clips of her pushing back more

I stopped watching a long time ago, so if she has finally good on her

Weird I've never had either of those things happen and I've slept through tornado warnings.

Do you pitch your tarp low enough?

Maybe imm wrong but wouldn't oven cleaner in a bag also strip the outside iron, then you would need to reseason that and doing that while not damaging the ceramic would be hard.

Exactly, I've always seen feminism as the fight for equality and the more people in society with equality means society benefits from that.

So it never makes sense to exclude people from that.

I even try to explain to mens rights people that feminist help them because most mens rights issues are caused by men on men and if they adopted feminist values many of those issues would go away.

But this isn't new and isn't unique to feminism. The original movement largely ignores women of color, a lot of black civil rights leaders were terrible to lgbtqia people. It's human nature to fight for your own and not for all.

I ask because a lot of people try to treat ceramics like raw cast iron when they talk about restoring it and will try to strip and reseason. Then you get a bunch of ruined pans.