Generated using DynavisionXL at 1344x768, Topaz & Resolve for upscaling and post-processing, generated at 15fps and interpolated to 30.

Food always seems to come out really good so I figured I'd go with the flow. It cycles through 50 different food items, randomized movement.

Also posted to youtube

It's all about those sequentially numbered controlnet images, getting them to line up with your prompts!

Mine just kept screaming about Gypsies and curses and was basically hysterical. I though maybe I was hallucinating so I ate it real slow and yup, screamed for a while.

Sure, take the job and die, or watch your family be.. given.. kittens and candy.. I think.

Definitely! Think I need to get on the discord train, this is still half witchcraft to me. I seriously got lucky with this one.

We have 'em beat by miles, we're fen to f up whole other planets soon!!

He's a method actor and he's playing Doctor Rockso in the upcoming live action Dethklok miniseries

Jason, Francis, this lil guy is going to be Sven (get it?), I'm thinking Giuseppe for him..

"Taco stands on every corner! Sex demons!!"

collective blinking "Soo... do we sign up or..."

I believe it came from

Not on my pc so I'm not 100%.. but there's 'models' folder inside the controlnet extension folder, put them there.

Thank you so much for sharing your stuff! It's amazing, and inspiring.

Check out the description in the video, there's a few youtubers whose stuff I watched to learn how.

Basically deforum with parseq, and chatgpt to help generate four minute's worth of people.

I don't know how, but it seems possible. You'd generate a noisy image, use control net on an image with depth preprocessor and those would be the pieces you could probably do it with. They'd be tricky because going through a batch and trying to adjust your eyes over and over to see which ones work would be pretty taxing.

Hide your ankles you hussy

"Freaking paparazzi, just let me get my groceries"

You sound like the surgeon who worked on my lower back.