How do they reconcile the whole demonstrating and hiding behind masks? If this an allowed demonstration (shame on your country/state/city) there is no way it should be legal to hide your face! Their names should be listed in all local newspapers along with their actions and belief/flag/images of concentration camps etc...

So basically the US and Canada are seeing their birth rate steadily decline and they are both very desirable places to live. If only there was lots and lots of people who were actively trying to move there!

Wow, here I was thinking my cat was a pest for requiring that I invite her to come to bed each night. If I don't invite her she keeps meowing.

Not sure, but don't they have a 2nd FCBD event now around Halloween? Anyway, that an amazing idea!

That's super cool, as a kid it would have made my day. I'll be participating in the 2nd Cartoonist Kayfabe's Christmas in July Event; were folks drop off their duplicates and unwanted comics in locale free-libraries. I hope it gets someone started on reading comics, or just be a fun suprise.

Shocking would be if he had something thoughfull and heartwarming to say about her.

A stupid mistake, but I still feel like the lab folks need to brush up on their understanding of Murphy's Law. No system should be easy to shutdown if it's that important.

Yup, these nutcases never think of those they hate as people.

I'd hire a private investigator and dig into that asshole's past. There is no way that there is no skeleton in his closet.

Stalking is not a crime where you live? I do believe this would be valid evidence of criminal harassement, in Canada.

Runnin' Down a Dream, by Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers.

The Dave Mckean covers for Sandmand issues were some of the most consistently amazing covers. The cover of Cursed Pirate Girl by Jeremy A Bastian is one I often think about. Love both Orc Stain and Aliens: Dead Orbit by James Stokoe. The TP cover for volume 1 of Deadly Class, by Wes Craig looks real cool. And lastly, the 3 omnibus covers for Godland, by Tom Scioli.

That is not a well adjusted adult. It should not be difficult to find some horrible and illegal shit he's done and get him put away for it.
Why is that not the go to for all these sacks of shit? How expensive is a good P.I.?

Adorable in bright daylight, but if he pulls that shit in the middle of the night, I'd shit my pants 😱

Yup! As if half the population is stupider than the average person.

No need to go that far, just look north. Canadians love their hunting rifles, but USA gun laws are written by gun lobbyists. How is that not a huge clue to people on both sides of the conversation! This is not about rights or freedom, it about billionaires making more money and not caring about who dies or suffers!

Yup, 100%. I'm a life long ent and ex-smoker, but I don't see why any public area should be anything but smoke and vape free (same for B.O. and perfume).

I would suggest you start with a few local craft beers but stick to basic style, nothing too experimental.
My beerbrewing friends are always looking to try the simplest most basic brew before trying any crazy concoctions. Also, take you friends out for a shopping trip and stock up your fridge together, it will be much more fun and he'll let you know what he wants to try.

I do not understand why this was not a "call the cops" situation, why talk to an armed man? I get it's in Texas, but how is it not illigal to randomly use a weapon angwhere in a city?

Yup, just in time to watch S2 of Strange New Worlds 🤩

That's true, and you did finish strong with some Picard S3 love. Can't wait to hear how you enjoyed the rest of the show - it was so fun.

Did I miss something? Did DAP have no books this week?

He did do an "In Your Travel", but was not enough DAP, by a longshot!

Love you guys.
