because leftist people have never engaged in electoralism as harm reduction right?

i am not convinced that it's a left wing phenomena at all... it's driven by influence campaigns and bots for the most part.

because it's hard to go further left on gun rights than:

“Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary.”

outside of the e-5 and above, or the officers...

everyone in my platoon was a left-leaning.

the few people i have managed to stay in contact with... all are further left today... than when we served.

i read it for you, it's exactly what you expect from an american "liebertarian" (misspelling intentional).

your taste in women is different than mine... therefore... Ghey.

this is a pack of lies...

where is the scaley rep?

still run into assholes trying to gaslight people about her not being transphobic.

so the problem with that is that population dynamics will prevent it from being an insult outside of niche spaces.

there are just that many more NTs than us, it sucks.

you're not looking to solve it "fairly" though are you?

why lie about that?

they're implying that the people on high alert for the secret perverts are the secret pervs.

tone policing people, then telling them that you agree with them.

replies like this really do nothing to help transgender people.

almost like the jedi and sith are both wrong, and a life lived trying to deny those emotional aspects of ourselves... or losing ourselves to them completely... always ends tragically.

you should go pop your head into a right-wing leaning warhammer sub then...

vice signaling is the problem everyone wants to pretend that virtue signaling is.

i do no understand how anyone can feel safe around cops... after having been assaulted and "detained" because i was "acting suspicious" as an autistic woman.

the movie ends with magneto's villain awakening, sure... but the villain of the movie is sabastion shaw.

it's literally a dogwhistle to the anti-semitic version.

it's how they get away with pushing their bullshit, since being directly anti-semitic is generally frowned on.