I'm 90.. Who am I? Where am I? Who are you?!

Yes correct. If any questions arise you may need to provide statements that it was in your personal savings account prior 2024.

In theory, absolutely. Will they catch people or you? Probably not, given you're not sending large amounts regularly. However, it seems that your plan is just that 😉 So beware.

Damn, my man put some time and effort into this.

Depends where you live. He're in Thailand: mango, papaya, amaranth, basil and bananas.

Honestly, more than I thought, looking at the upvotes suggesting it as a possible cause.

Ken je die grap van die belg in Phuket? Hij zag de rode vlag nie.

Are you have 3 meals consistently every day? This works for me maintaining my max of 60kg.

When I visited Limmasol a few weeks ago the large presence of graffiti also caught my attention. I think everything would look a lot nicer if this stuff gets cleaned up. Other than that it's pretty clean imo.

Follow the requirements and you're on your way


Nearly no one wants or needs to escape from Israel. Yes, rockets are a thing. But they form no real threat as they get intercepted and they know when to seek shelter. It's just another day. BS story farming subscribers.

Sorry to hear that. It's a distraction to the development of our lives. We have no control over this. Stay safe brother.


I agree it's not going to kill tourism. But it's going to hurt alot of other things such as international schools, private hospitals in tourist areas such as BPH (it's basically 50-50 Thai foreigner when you walk in there) and plenty of landlords, developers, Thai owned services catering foreigners for visas and what not. There's an entire economy around expats, retirees, mixed families and other long termers, and those working in the sector will feel it. Plus, I don't think the government understands how much tourism is promoted by expats and retirees. Family is coming over, friends, they are usually walking marketing machines for the country, when treated right. Any how, it's not them pulling the strings. They signed they OECD agreement and most politicians will only now find out what it means for the country. It's all about stopping the outflow of money from abroad into Thailand.

There's a major difference being able to actually own half a rai or so for residential purposes than no limitations. Tax me to the max, but give me benefits. It's not too much to ask. Simple as that.

Conveniently leaving out you can actually buy land there. Please gtfo. And no, I'd never move to this prison called Australia too.

Exempt tax on remitted foreign income. It's unclear now if this new global tax will also be exempt. My friend who has LTR is wondering the same.

It has everything to do with it. Call me stupid but if you want me to pay like in the rest of the world, treat me like in the rest of the world.