A whole lot of them are kids. Where are their parents?!?!?

I swear the total lack of parenting in the world recently is gonna bite us the ass in the future

Idk where you are based but I’m curious… are y’all in the process of getting low frequency tones for your sirens? Some of them have a low tone “woo woo woo woo” that really helps people like me who have their deafness in the high frequencies.

Every time I see an emergency vehicle in my rear view mirror I always think “man if I didn’t see those lights that guy would be so pissed at me”

I never found myself to be in a situation where I am right next to a car horn, but I feel loud sounds that have a whole lot of bass in them

As a mostly deaf person, you are absolutely right. I find myself easily distracted by visual stimuli because I have trained myself to pay attention to things to compensate for my horrible hearing

As someone who has severe hearing loss and relies on lip reading, I call BS. Dude would’ve seen the headlights and if his hearing is bad enough to not hear a car horn right next to him, he definitely wouldn’t have heard the dudes talking to him. Lip reading requires hearing at least some of the voices/words to be effective. I haven’t met one person who can accurately lipread entire sentences without hearing anything.

I could be wrong, but it is so incredibly unlikely. Also, if this dude has diminished senses, WHY WALK IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD???

:centrist: - Centrist

Who cares if your children and grandchildren are a different color? As long as they are great people who love the people around them the color of their skin shouldn’t matter.

We need to abolish race as a concept. Imagine thinking people are different because of the amount of melanin they have.

The closest thing we got to that is the fact that the “Upper Nile” is actually south of the “Lower Nile” but that’s just because of how rivers work

Basically it’s segregation but he ACTUALLY wants it to be separate but equal. So Whites and Blacks have the same institutions and such but segregation is still enforced IIRC

I see reports of mass deaths during the hajj nearly every single year.

What the hell is happening over there?

:centrist: - Centrist

“Why did you kill President Kimball?”

“He tried to make me pay taxes”


something rarely seen on screen

Are they being fr? Nearly every single modern historical drama has been about the suffering of the colonized

:centrist: - Centrist

This is really what it boils down to. Gypsies are one of the top winners in the progressive oppression Olympics so they can get away with child rape

Greater Assyria (alt variant) look it up on the discord

I commented this every time you didn’t lol. This album WILL be up there someday

I was there. Houston gets tons of storms so we are used to them, but the sky went from normal storm clouds to green sky to total blackout “imminent danger” mode in the span of 10 minutes. We were expecting a storm, but once it started it became very clear that this was as severe as it gets.

Cat 3 hurricane winds were happening as I was holed up inside a gas station. It was scary