The owner called the cat and the cat responded. One of my cats does that too lol.

Even if your brother and SIL (maybe) were okay with it, propose during your best man speech would have left a bad taste in anyone’s wedding. That’s a classless, tasteless and selfish action. YTA.

I can only attest to daily maintenance since only our coag supervisor and one assigned personnel on day shift are allowed to do other things on top. Daily maintenance takes like 10-15 minutes outside of making QC/reagents. Rarely calls service, but if something is broken, only service can fix most problems.

Hemohub (the middleware) is more pain in the butt than the actual instrument.

跟别人讲自己家的时候会说my brother/sister。跟自己兄弟姐妹直接讲话的时候是喊名字。对外人喊的bro/sis意思是哥们/姐们。意思不一样。

不知道中国南方什么样的,我家在北方。哥哥姐姐叫名字+哥/姐,弟弟妹妹叫名字或者小名。在外面喊这个大哥那个大姐的也很常见 哈哈。

Two different labs may use different analyzers. Different analyzers have different reference ranges (may even use different type of assays) That’s why ref range is important.

I seriously would be fine with just one more win. Just to not hand over the win on a silver plater. Make them work for it lol.

就中国那个环境就让人自信不起来。再接着说就和victim blaming没有区别了。现在这个状态完全就是这几年政府的问题。在我上高中的时候,学校里有几对基本公开的小情侣,有两三对是同性,大部分人对这个都没什么反应。老师对他们也是和其他小情侣一样,不能耽误学习怎么怎么的。现在我认识那些都是偷偷的。除了我们这些早就知道的,对其他人都小心翼翼的。




Tbf OOP wasn’t told everything. So whatever happened with the ex and stuff could be a lot more complicated than “yep we just took you in and told you were a twin to our kid”. Judging from everyone’s reaction, OOP’s true backstory might to too chaotic for her parents to share which grandma didn’t agree with lol.

In perspective OP’s dad paid a 300K house in full for OP’s sister. So… depended on how much OP got, it might have felt like a “screw you for not coming back home” amount. Different lives, different perspectives.




大部分教堂都是这样的。我大学的youth group在感恩节的时候有聚餐。就算是去蹭饭也行。我四年的感恩节就是跟他们过的。人都很好。


Seriously. The media needs to shut up about us lmao. Every time something big happens, we do worse the next game 🤦‍♀️

We always perform less than ideal after the some big media coverage 🤦‍♀️


I believe a good actor makes themselves disappear in the character.

Tbh when I was reading the series as a kid, I thought Harry would have ended up with either Hermione or Luna. Ginny was never even an option lol.