I would say when kids are genuinely scared about telling their parent bad news. Kids should always be comfortably telling their parents information, even if it's not the best news.

The point that OOP definitely missed is that Mr Beasts video was successful in a large part due to the shows success. He added his fame to the shows fame and got a lot of views because if it.

All of nurgles followers, at least from my understanding, either love disease and decay to an unhealthy degree, of fear death and decay so much that they pledge themselves to a god who tapes you together.

I disagree. Nurgle removes all emotion and replaces it with a need to infect and festsr. Nurgle turns your body into a walking corpse who is immune to pain and death, but is also a monster. I wouldn't want to die a monster and not even look like who I was.

Your Sadistic Neighbourhood Torturer.

I bought the game when it was about £20. I played before the DLCs and release.

Fanatic Materialist

Isolationist Xenophone until I stop being an isolation for a few decades then go back to being antisocial.

It's usual reason with Paradox DLCs. The price is incredibly high for what you're getting and it's mediocre at best. The features of the DLC are usually also a basic feature which isn't very good that should be in the main game and expanded upon in the DLC. Paradox loves doing minimum effort for maximum reward with their DLCs.

Yes, Tax Officer, I am earning millions a year from this rental property.

Its even worse because it wouldn't have even known that it was coming.

None of these are even correct. The atomic bomb ended the fighting in the Pacific. The main fighting for WW2 was in Europe.

My coworker. I'm not going to give her name for obvious reasons.

Bewbies. It makes me sound like a child when I say it, but I find it funny and partners do too.

I guess death runs in your family too? I hope they find a cure for it. 4 generations in almost 3 years isn't good.

My brain instantly thought bugs and still failed to compute for a few minutes after reading the title

Only the ones that aren't too bright. For most kids, it's self-explanatory.

Probably Stellaris. Its fun and a bit challenging at the same time. The only thing that stops it being amazing is the lag.

No. They are friends, but he would never give him about 10 million worth of land and equipment. His wife and kids will get it. I don't doubt that he will get a good amount of money from it though

Yeah. Not wanting to do it could mean that the person won't be corrupted by power because they don't seek it, or it could mean that they do a shit job because they arent fully in it.

Immigrants move to places and intend on staying there and integrating with the culture. Expats usually move to places temporarily and don't really integrate very much. There are obviously some who claim to be expats when their immigrants because of appearances and such, but those are the differences.

Yeah. The good people don't even get matches because they didn't pay enough to appear everywhere.

It's a 14 mile round trip that goes completely down hill one way, and uphill the other. It would be extremely easy getting there and torturous getting back.

So what happens if I don't? I've just lost tonnes of money to that tax and gained nothing from it.