Lots of cool public/street art downtown. Easily a solid afternoon walking around to see some of it. Take water and salty snacks.

The Neon Museum is best at night. Many of the signs are at least partially restored. Take the tour and watch the show.

In case you folks aren't aware, Kaylyn Kyle is Heath's daughter-in-law. She's married to Harrison.

I know there was lots of hate for him on this sub, and even I'm glad MNUFC went in a new direction. He seems like a decent enough person and has a good mind for the game. In hindsight, most of his struggles as a manager seemed to come from him having a bit too much faith in his players: late subs, few changes, etc.

The biggest reason Cost Plus Drugs is so cheap is that they don't deal with insurance. It's cheaper to just not accept insurance because the cost of doing business with insurers is so high.

That said, Cost Plus Drugs doesn't carry everything and can't get you meds super fast.

Their pharmacies are the part of the store that generally is profitable. However, they run on ANCIENT software systems that barely function, are paired to 21st century tech they were never designed to be used with, and Walgreens has known it was far beyond time for an upgrade 20 years ago. They didn't do it because short term profits would be best if they didn't.

They schedule as few techs and pharmacists as they can get away with, almost always run short handed, and depend on people at the front to come back and help in the pharmacy during the busiest times (many retail employees are trained as pharmacy techs.)

Insurance is what takes the most time in the pharmacy, it's almost always a giant fucking ordeal with the insurance companies. The tech who knows how to make the insurance billing "work" for each plan and insurer is the person really moving the pharmacy along. The people in the pharmacy can't move any faster than they can process scripts, and because they are working with controlled substances, they must take extra care to not make mistakes. Walgreens does nothing to help this and instead shits on its employees harder all the time. Short term profits are all that matter, remember.

I know all this because I used to manage Walgreens stores. Absolutely fuck Walgreens. Sadly, the executives who run it will still walk away millionaires (or better) after destroying all the local pharmacies, and a ton of smart hard-working people will be out of work when Walgreens finally goes under.

Canada Geese = the collective term for the species of black-headed violent pests we see so frequently around here

Canadian Geese = all geese from Canada, including Canada Geese actually from there. Doesn't include Canada Geese that are from the US or any other places outside Canada.

Note that all geese are evil AF, don't mess with 'em unless you're ready to get bit.


The Marine Corps is by far the gayest thing I've ever experienced. Dozens of sweaty fit dudes in booty shorts showering and sleeping together. They are also obsessive about the dressing up and it being absolutely perfect. We sat and stood "nuts to butts" all the time.

That stuff doesn't really stop after boot camp either. You just gain lots more petty drama, frequent sexual encounters that many straight people would consider at least boundary-pushing. It just gets more gay with experience, not less.

Edit: nothing changed, just adding that I'm queer.

I have this show in my YouTube playlist of Dead shows. Little Feat is the only non-Dead band in that list.


Using studio tracks to judge pitch is a mistake. I can hear the correction and her vibrato centering flat of pitch, especially when singing high. Maybe this person can't hear or be objective.

No person in their right mind who knows fuck all about vocal performance could listen to "Love on Top" and say Beyonce is a star vocal performer. The absolute best they could come out of the studio with sounds like someone being tortured. She can't even get close to that good live. Again, a B is generous grade using the criteria this site uses, and nearly all of that comes from her breath control and low range.

They rank Beyonce as "Star." Using the criteria they evaluated everyone else with, she's at best a B, and that's being generous.

Beyonce is 90% marketing, 9% fandom, and most of the remaining 1% is her looks. She can't find the pitch center to save her life.

I have chronic cluster headaches, the bear trap and acid sound comforting in comparison.

Clusters are a level and type of pain we just can't describe. I cried the first time I was in a room with someone else who had them because they were the first person I'd ever met who I could see had even the slightest understanding of what they feel like.

It took years for me to find anything that helped treat them effectively. I don't like having pain olympics, but I do want to raise awareness and help others (and myself) find relief and potentially a cure.

I've never passed a kidney stone or given natural birth, but people who have experienced those things and cluster headaches, say the clusters are worse. They happen multiple times a day (8-12) for me and can last an hour or more each time. Fortunately they aren't all 10/10 on a pain scale, but I used to have months where a good day was in the 6-7 range.

I learned during a vasectomy that I'm effectively immune to the numbing medication they use on the testicles, so I could feel everything for two and a half hours and had to be still but not pass out. I still have nightmares about that. I'd go through that every day for the rest of my life if I knew it would stop me from having even one more cluster that's a 9-10.

Kinda reverse of this. My wife loves mushy peas, but we can't get "marrowfat" peas in the US easily. Turns out we can. They are cheap af and at nearly every grocer. It's just green field peas. The difference is that ours are split before packaging. For mushy peas, it actually makes things easier.

For people in the US, these are the same peas we buy as green/sweet/English peas, but they are left to dry in the field and lose some of their sweetness as a result. They're split after picking and sold as split peas.

I'd reluctantly accept resin balls if everything else is in very good condition, but that would feel like a cheap substitute. Without wooden balls it will always be "off" in so many ways. The sound, feel, and even the smell of those balls are what make it real. I didn't even care about the tickets or score so much as the hypnotic sounds of those balls.

Can Can Wonderland is overwhelmingly garbage on a level that's nearly indescribable. Just slapped together horseshit with a high price tag.

However. The one time I went, their mechanical arcade games seemed to be the only things actually working and in somewhat reasonable condition. You couldn't pay me to go back. I strongly discourage going to that pile of trash. I appreciate the idea, but they've put zero effort into maintaining the place, and it seems to be run by children/MBA douchebags who have no desire to do any real work. It's all hat and no cattle.

I don't know of anywhere with good professionally -maintained Skee Ball. Pat's and Up Down are not good.

I played Hannibal Lecter in a house for one season. I barely had to move. I didn't need to speak in most cases. Just a look and a head tilt was almost always enough to create a deep primal fear. I was amazed people could be that scared.

There was a skinny teenager who was also really good at moving like Gollum. He crawled around in the fog between rooms, rarely moved at anyone. We were pretty close in the number of nights we were voted most scary. Together we won over half the nights with nobody else coming anywhere close to our total.

Low effort, and lots of fun. Glad I didn't have to chase people or carry around a chainsaw, etc.

I heard them for the first time ever at Greenroom a few weeks ago. Great jam band with a little extra groovy dance vibe than most. Worth checking out for sure.

If you're on city streets, you don't need metal studs. If any metal studs, only waste your money putting them on the front. Anything reasonably studded rubber is fine. I use cyclocross tires.

I don't recommend an e bike. You don't need pogies if you wear choppers and can operate the bike using them safely.

Fenders on all commuter bikes all year.

Under-dress. You don't want to sweat if you don't have to. Just moving enough to stay warm.

I usually wear goggles because the cold air dries out my contacts, but most people don't seem to have that issue.

Sometimes I think the anxiety between attacks was/is the worst part. There are countless times I just broke down knowing another one was coming and I couldn't stop it.

Shrooms have nearly eliminated that completely. At least try them.

You can probably buy some past security and won't have to worry about size so much.

I didn't say this part is a comparison. I'm stating what it's like at a GS concert. Anyone who'd presume one or the other was objectively better, must not know much about GS. He's a living legend for good reasons.

They are different experiences, but not nearly as different as people who don't know GS may expect.

Depends on preference. George Strait's band is filled with some of the best touring musicians in the world. George has more number one hits than he could play in a single concert + decades of other great songs. They are also one of the best Western Swing bands because many of his songs are that style. Western Swing is a form of jazz where improvised solos are passed around.

With him, the music is the show. He pretty much stands there and sings. The music is great and played by a great band. It may be different from a Dead show, but it's not lesser in any objective way.

He was just a normal kid. He was from a poor family. Average student. Kinda quiet but not reclusive. Can't say we were good friends but we never had issues. I don't know that he had any long-term beef with anyone. He was white and certainly not a racist. I know some of his best friends were black.

He was in and out of jail as an adult: DUI, fighting, drug possession, and served some prison time for manslaughter.

He was accused of one of the most high profile racially motivated murders in the state at the time. Accused of killing one of his best friends, a friend who served time for providing a false alibi in the manslaughter case. They worked together and spent much of their time away from work together. When I say good friends, I mean very close, like brothers.

The murder in question was by dragging with a vehicle. It was alleged that the victim determined the suspect was too drunk to drive. Victim got out of the car, and, in some racially motivated way, the suspect hit and dragged the victim to death and tried to cover it up.

The local NAACP and New Black Panther Party (no fucking relations to the real Black Panther Party) nearly started riots over this with their claims of a hate crime.

I also went to school with the lead investigator. He's the poster child of the kind of self-righteous, violent, stupid, douchebag who becomes a cop. He's a Texas Ranger/US Marshall. I can't think of anyone less fitting to be a cop. He's a stupid bully. He believes he can't be wrong, and if you dare cross him, you'll be punished for it. The evidence was extremely thin. The conclusions he drew from it were fucking ridiculous. He deserves to spend the rest of his life in prison for how he handled the case. He was so far out of line it makes me sick to this day.

Charges were ultimately completely dropped after nearly a year. Suspect was in solidarity the entire time because he couldn't pay the bail. It ruined what life he had left. The cop and county got off with zero consequences. Nearly 20 years later, people still act like it was a hate crime. They still hold the investigator in high regard, and despite him never doing anything negative toward me personally, he's easily one of the five people I personally hate the most.

I don't hold the suspect in high regard, but what happened to him is deplorable. Aside from the high -profile issues, it's an unfortunately typical story that shows how our justice system is fundamentally broken.

The drinking part isn't required or actually helping. Source: I drank more than that daily for over ten years and was a singer + musician that entire time. Now I don't drink, and I'm better at both. I don't do it for a living any more, but still play and sing for at least a couple of hours most days. Anecdotal evidence for me maybe, but drinking like that is an actual concern.

Within 3 minutes, this guy says it's in all the ripe ones. I've had some very nice ripe tea, and there's always a hint of that fish ass smell. Had some younger, less ripe tea that was straight up terrible too.
