The real question is why didn’t he deliver the package to its destination, instead of returning it to the sender.

Here’s the real question. Why didn’t he deliver it the package to its destination instead of returning it to the sender.

I keep trying to but it’s not going thru for some reason?? So odd

Hello hate to bother, but can you also show me how to get to these beautiful bags??

Hello like the below comment, can you DM me to where you purchased your bag?

Hello, did you get the contact to check out their album for this, I am also looking to get one of these

Get Which ever one is in the best operating condition.

You’re not understanding. I’m not talking about just me. They were not prioritizing ANYONE. They weren’t helping ANYONE get to make their flight.

Usually when there is a huge line to check baggage. They give priority to people whose flights are right about to takeoff so they can rush and get their flight. They ask “is anyone on flight XYZ which leaves in 30 min. Then they take those folks aside to process them. There were old ladies who had been waiting for 4 hours that line watching the clock tick down and they just shrugged at them and said “sorry you are going to miss your flight.” It was f*cked up.

Who updates their Mac any more? It’s suicide every time. Every OS update I have ever done has messed up my machine to the point of not either needing to wipe it or just selling it to get a newer model. They clearly can’t get it right.

The whole reason I own a Mac is because I don’t want crashes or sluggish performance. And that’s all these OS updates seem to provide.

My 2021 iMac M1 is on Big Sur, and it’s staying there until I flip it/upgrade.

Bullsh*t, southwest is 100% at fault here. Southwest literally dumped Everyone in the same line and when asked about prioritization for flights for people were in danger of missing their flight- a completely standard protocol for heavy travel days - SWA employees said “we’re not doing that, sorry.” I had 3 SWA employees say this to my face. I have never seen an airline just NOT CARE. This was a first and it was just… cruel.

Zero effort.
Zero organization. Zero care for getting their ticketed their passengers on their flight.

Most airlines do, but the #southwest team literally just told people to their faces, “sorry we’re not prioritizing anyone. If you miss your flight b/c of the 4 hr line to check your baggage we’ll just rebook you.” I asked 4 different southwest employees and they all said this exact thing.
Sorry you are getting screwed, we’re not going to lift a finger to help. I have never seen an airline care less about confirmed ticketed passengers than southwest did this afternoon.

They didn’t help anyone, they just said stand in line and see what happens. Sorry about your luck. It was the most chaotic, and worst airport experience I have ever seen/experienced.

I was 20 min from my boarding time, clearly was not going to make it, so I jumped out of line and basically forced a skycap to check my bags. I just wouldn’t take no for an answer, offered him cash and he finally just checked my bags outside.

Hi just want to be crystal clear on what you’re saying. I buy the box, download free apps to access channels, and included in these channels is actual HBO, Showtime, Cinemax reels, etc etc I can get all/most of the premium movie channels for no cost. So with a Superbox I don’t need an actual subscription to HBO to watch current HBO content, like say, true detective?

Obviously you can can download aapps like Netflix and hulu and HBOMax - just like on an Apple TV, but then you have to subscribe for $X a month to watch HBOMax content, that’s what I’m currently doing and want to move on from.


Hi just want to be crystal clear on what you’re saying. I buy the box, download free apps to access channels, and included in these channels is actual HBO, Showtime, Cinemax reels, etc etc I can get all/most of the premium movie channels for no cost. So with a Superbox I don’t need an actual subscription to HBO to watch current HBO content, like say, true detective?

Obviously you can can download aapps like Netflix and hulu and HBOMax - just like on an Apple TV, but then you have to subscribe for $X a month to watch HBOMax content, that’s what I’m currently doing and want to move on from.

Do you pay for it with your amex? If so block the payments, they’ll magically come up with one.

Otherwise go up the chain at the dealership, and then. go to corporate and put them on blast. Call them liars, make a fuss.

I’m assuming you have their promise of 2 keys with the purchase of the car in writing somewhere.

So get a lawyer see if you have a case, and sue them.

Hey I have one of these in need of repair. Has power, radio works and sounds fine. cassette wheels turn when tested, but no sound. Anyone know someone/somewhere i can send it too? In Nashville or NYC, but can ship it anywhere.

So Is there a rake? Do you know how much it is, or do you have to buy a seat by the hour or something? Excited to check it out

Anybody know what the rake here is, or do you pay for a seat? What’s the deal.

I posted in sub, but here it is so you don't have to look for it



None taken. Of course I have plenty of connections and regularly look to leverage them wherever/however I can (references, referrals etc). What I'm saying here is that I'm not getting the traction/responses that I usually do when I'm looking for new opportunities, and am wondering if perhaps my resume is outdated or not what recruiters/hiring manager are currently looking for/drawn to. Any thoughts on the res?

Hi sir/miss was wondering if I could share my res with you. This is one of the more concise and thoughtful comments I’ve seen on the page and was hoping you might have a look at mine.

Hello sir, I also have one of these and it’s in pretty good shape but it needs a tuneup. Radio works volume sounds great because that wheels move but doesn’t seem to play. Can you help me?