Use a needle and shoot brush killer into the stalk as close to the ground as possible.

You should have disclosed that information when you were hired. Lying to your employer on why you need time off can get you fired with cause. Just be honest.

Gasoline is made from fossil fuels, which are produced from decomposed animals.

Why did you post it here? You already know it is a bedbug. Post under r/bedbugs to see how devastating your life is going to be. I’m sorry. Burn the house down, with all your belongs. You may also need to burn your vehicles.

There were definitely obese children. However peanut allergies and diagnosis of ADHD wasn’t as common. But, I’m actually referencing the way it was 40-50 years ago.

Long distance relationships rarely work. It will be extremely difficult to have a long term relationships with major differences in food. Imagine trying to cook dinner at home.

Go ahead and end this non-existent relationship, and look for someone that you are actually compatible with.

She already knows it isn’t working out. You need to accept that.

True vegans don’t drive gasoline powered vehicles. They don’t use plastics. They have to verify that their electricity is not produced from fossil fuels. If they do, they are hypocrites.

If the app was not on his phone, and appeared to be deactivated, he is not using it, and no one hacked it. Regardless of what you believe, your sister is up to something nefarious.

Your sister is jealous. If she provided screenshots, she may have doctored them so that it looked like he matched with her.

Edit. She is jealous of your relationship with him. She is jealous of you.

If the child is seven, and in a booster seat, he is in the booster seat because he is tiny, and not the normal size for a seven year old.

If politicians are allowed targets, then I’m in.

If you want kids, you need to leave now. You are 31. You still have to find a new lover and then get pregnant. Things are only going to get more difficult for you to have a child. IVR is now off the table in many states. You are going to need to find another man that wants a child. That may not be someone around your age. You may need to start looking for a younger guy that shares your desire.

Do not, under any condition, move out. That has the appearance that you abandoned them or moved out. If she wants the divorce and separation, she can move out.

If you do move out, sell the house, and buy yourself a new house.

Try to get full costing of your child. He does not need to be around that rage and anger. You have the means to support him. She does not. Fight her for custody using every means necessary.

For the divorce, use attorneys. Get the best one that supports Fathers having custody. You do not want your pay her alimony or child support. She is incapable of properly proving for the child. And needs held with her anger, and may need to go to a psychiatric hospital. She may have bi-polar disorder and needs a proper diagnosis.

Mike, you are not a Christian if you support Donnie. He is the opposite of a Christian. If you support him, you don’t have Christian values or morals.

Was she hostile the entire flight?


Just tell them you never ordered or received anything. If they claim to have photos of delivery, tell them that it must have been stolen by porch pirates. Since you were not expecting anything, then you didn’t know it had been stolen.

Students can also mark through that paragraph, sign it saying they font agree to that. If HR did not catch that, I tv is on them. I do not sign electronic consent forms, as there is no way to not consent.

NTA. Allow her to visit. However, if she brings the boys, they cannot come into the house. You are trying your best to ensure that your brother has the least amount of stress during his final days.

NTA. The family needs to control their children. This is disgusting. Their Costco membership should have been revoked.

Since it is so low to the floor, you are looking at an electrical box and an outlet. You use an outlet to plug other items in that require electrical power (specifically AC power) to work.