That makeup is caked on. How many knuckles deep would my finger sink in if I tried to touch your five o'clock shadow?

'S'mofo butter layin' me to da' BONE! Jackin' me up... tight me!

Your turn in the barrel with the hole in it at the Alaskan logging camp gay.

Stop sending my money to Zelensky. That'll end it quick.

You have a bad boss, but don’t quit until you have something new.

If dude is just counting commits, update a comment and commit. Rinse and repeat 10 times a day.

I don't condone mob violence, but I understand it.

"Whatcu in fo dawg? I kilt tree men."

I merced 12 TVs in 15 seconds with a hammer at the Walmart on Grand avenue. We got beef?

You are going to make a therapist very rich when you hit your 30s.

Children have a sixth sense and they can tell you are a soulless ginger.


He's a straight shooter with upper management written all over him.

Why would you get an ARM in 2016 when rates were 3.5% or not refinance it in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021?

You definitely don't have to legally keep 1000 feet away from elementary schools and knock on your neighbors doors to tell them what you did.

21 looking like a haggard single mom with four kids and four baby daddies.


Don't forget the shrinking and the mole with the long hair on it.

I don't think you know what open-source means.

I know that kids going to make it because it wasn't Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., or John Cena in person and in costume.

Those are some ugly MF's and I love em.