Honestly, the bulk of that article is just fear mongering. It doesn’t really seem like lives were in danger at any point.

All I know is my gut says maybe

What’s that big fat ugly thing? A frog? A toad? Or yo momma?

If I’m not mistaken it’s, “I was having the most wonderful dream, except you were in it, and you were in it, and you were in it”

If it’s a juniper make sure you keep it outside. Too many people with no bonsai experience kill their first bonsai just by keeping it inside. Good luck!

I sat through the movie Heat(1986) thinking it was a REALLY slow burn movie, before I realized I totally was not watching Heat(1995)

Yeah, the article said they’re moving into the bakery that’s there now. I’m stoked.

When I’m targeted because I suck, “guys STAHP”

When the opposing team targets my teammate because I’m good, “put me in coach! I wanna play!”

Nicely done! What’s that contraption on the first pic, bottom left?


If I don’t care which days I work I can average 18-19 days off just like Matt above. But if I have certain days I want off or I want weekends off, I’ll start getting into 16-17 days off. As far as pay goes, it probably averages out to 89tfp vs 105tfp respectively. Just spitballing numbers here, I’m sure there are colleagues of mine who are better at bidding than I am.


Love your name, THRICE!!!


Ayyyyyy, 8 years on Reddit and I finally came across someone I know! 11/8


I can’t answer for his base, but in DEN I’d say average is 3 legs per day. I’ve never done a 5-leg day because ewwww. I’m pretty sure it is similar across all bases. Regardless, I average about a 9 hour duty period. You tend to work more per day than at other airlines, but I’ll have more days off per month, so it’s a nice trade off.

My only gripe is that the video is too short. I wanted to see the filter mix it all up.

Nice tank!


Not if you only workout one forearm.

I was in a similar situation. I hadn’t done sports in years, my right knee can’t take a jump or a run. So I tried pickleball. After the first couple weeks of knee pain, I guess my knee got used to it? No more swelling but I use a knee sleeve whenever I play. So far it’s working out. I will say though, I’ve read somewhere that pickleball has the highest rate of injury. Not sure if it’s true, but my guess would be injuries from people like us thinking it’s a casual game when it can be strenuous. Best of luck!

Easy there bud. The FAA often sends out notices like these for carriers and owners to repair potential safety issues on their aircraft. It’s why flying gets safer and safer. This is standard procedure.

I love how there’s no wrong way to play. I’ve done this as well, and this is my first playthrough using nuclear power. Also first time making blues and yellows without making an absolute mess of things.

How do you get it to work? I got it from the list but it won’t start