'If only men stopped being so hot we wouldn't have all this homosexuality!'

Non-binary, updating your dictionary

The eleven straight pride months have started hard this year

Harvey Milk and Alan Turing are looking down at this from heaven and smiling, before getting back to the orgy

Americans really have very narrow ideas about non-American things

Non-binary, updating your dictionary

Wyatt, short for Why it gotta be black?

If you're over 26 and reading this, quit this sub and go spend time with your wife and kids dude

Is it booty muscular and smooth precious?

Non-binary, updating your dictionary

The yellow one so terrify

Non-binary, updating your dictionary

I should've known Dawn wasn't old enough to grow facial hair

Non-binary, updating your dictionary

Ok I can't concentrate on anything but little Dawny having a beard

Please insecure masc gays, tell us more about your theories about fem gays

Non-binary, updating your dictionary

I'm sure Ru would see it and be like 'Lola Lillie, has she been on this show?'

Non-binary, updating your dictionary

Off topic but love the fact that Angie has been rocking the 'Ugaly Bitch' thing for two whole years now

OK, hands up thirsty bottoms, who want a dad figure to say 'Good job, son' just before you cum?

Lincoln did share a bed with Speed for four years before his marriage, but when he was married he used to sleep with his bodyguard David Derickson when Mary Todd was away.

Insta photo vs. insta video

You can still stick your dick in that empty space

"What's tiring about meeting my extended family? OK, cousin Rachel is a lot, but most of us are really nice."

I'm guessing that he's newly out or dl and he assumes that you've also got fears about your sexuality, instead of you simply not being massively aroused by someone who says things like 'You fuck or what?'

Non-binary, updating your dictionary

I think having badges is helpful because it's a physical reminder of who has won things but it's introduced an element of math into my life which I specifically got into homosexuality to avoid

I hope this marriage produces LGBTQ kids