Sweet wonderful torture. When unreal unearth dropped, after my initial play through, I listened to only Francesca for weeks straight. During my 10-hour shift, on my commute, while I did the dishes, cleaned, did my art. That song is physically embedded in my soul. I still listen to it often but when I get a song that tickles my brain I cannot stop listening to it. It's like other music just does not comprehend in my brain anymore lolllll

I blame the autism

The amount of times I've launched this phone would make many weep. I'm using up all my luck just by dropping it daily. Or closing my strap into the phone.

I like the beach when it's cold out because I like to stand on the shore like a mourning victorian widow staring out at sea or someone who is dying, wishing to be at the seaside one last time.

Beach in summer is too overstimulating - Beach in early spring or Fall is superior.

I have been given free shots and a beer after giving a bartender my thesis about Frankenstein and specifically regarding Robert Walton's role in the novel for 30 minutes after she complimented my wallet (Frankenstein themed), so I think I am extremely desirable to other women

Good texture. Want to chew, may of chewed on it as a kid. Not good to do lick test on

Contacts are for special events because they dry out my eyes so badly. I go through a thing if eye moisturizer drops pretty quick and give me migraines if I wear them regularly- I have funky shaped eyeballs apparently but not cone enough for the special contacts

Once fish oil spilled in my fridge, and I had to clean it up where it had leaked (including my floor and into the rubber gusset of fridge) on a hot Saturday morning with no AC, and then slipped in it trying to get paper towels and got covered it in. Had a mental breakdown on my floor, sweaty and covered in fish oil.

So now the slightest whiff from those bottles make me gag uncontrollably and even just being forced to read that you bite the capsules makes me wanna gag so this gets an upvote simply because that statement made me upset

Also how often Macross gets just shoved into the Gundam section is insane. I have learned if I want to find models, find where they keep the Gundam models and I will more than likely find 1 or 2 stray Macross models 😭

The scene right before the dramatic balloon incident when Penelope is in the lil Eloise/Cressida/Dublin group, Colin stares, and lil too sensually eats the rest of the cupcake she bought in the previous scene while staring at her

I have had 1 good personal trainer in my life. He is the only reason I know how to work out correctly. I miss him everyday lol - he moved States and trying to find anyone who is competent has been a nightmare.

:Hat_Bunny: Little Kitty

I did 😭 I've been trying from the awning and the one unit. I wonder if mine is glitched - I get to basically hanging over top of rail then I get hit with the no stamina and the kitty won't go over the rest of the way

That basically what he did for us 😭 started playing right as we went over bridge from Essex to Marcy and as soon as doors opened at Marcy he just dipped. I feel slightly less crazy now LOL


I don't 😭 I've tried to find it by humming what I remember but got no luck with that. It kinda had the same vibe of Misty, but I'm not 100% sure if he was playing Misty on the sax as the ones I found online of people playing it on the sax weren't exactly correct either

He is my roman empire - I have seen my fair share of stuff on the subway but he always lurks in the back of my mind and I keep one eye out for him on my commute everyday

Saxophone player on M Train

Okay so I feel geninuely nuts because no one I've asked has ever run into this guy before. I don't know where else to ask but I NEED to know if anyone else has encountered him

So like 3 years ago on the M train, older gentleman steps on and plays the prettiest jazz piece I've heard on a saxophone. I felt like I was sitting in a smoky Cafe. Finishes, people clap and then - he yells "NEXT STOP, TWILIGHT ZONE." Then played The Twilight Zone theme song. After he Finishes that, he said "You are now in the twilight zone and will remain here until you next hear me play. I will not be playing again." And then he just got off. Didn't collect money or anything. Just got off.

Exactly 1 year later is the next time I saw him and he did the SAME THING. Same song and same speech about the twilight zone - so I guess I got freed. Got off again without collecting money.

However I have not seen him again since. I usually see the same handful of performers and panhandlers at least once a month but never him. I tried googling like I have with others and figured I would find SOMETHING but never have.

But consider this - I am a idiot with terrible motor skills. The day I take my contacts out without a mirror is the day I'm blind because I probably will damage something again

One time my cat peed on my laundry when it was her birthday and i hadn't said happy birthday to her yet and I have fully convinced myself they are connected

My worst enemy are those tiny metal chairs that look too small for anyone but a toddler to sit on that so many resturants in NYC use. I gotta hover sitting on those

You know when people cross their arms and there that line between the extensor and flexor muscle groups??? I don't know what that's called but I love it. I love when people cross their arms and it shows

Same I can't stand warm flavors. If it doesn't freeze my throat whats the point

My ex and I realized we weren't compatible in any romantic sense, but it also didn't make sense to throw away a 6 year friendship over a failed 1.5 year romantic relationship. So we went back to being friends. They're like my family, they helped me through my darkest moments before and after the relationship. But I could never Date them in a romantic sense again - we let that go on for too long. Some friendships should never turn into a relationship lol

I'm very open about it on 1-2nd date because they're a very big part of my life still and I want people to know so they can make their own decision. They're allowed to have boundaries and it's important to know where they draw the line early on

Not me, but my bestie this entire time thought lover in "Run" was brother so she thought it was a song about brothers lol

Headphones in and I nap. I have to wake up early to get to work on time so I just sleep. I use citymapper that gives me an alert when I'm 2 stops away, but I have missed my stop on occasion lol