His battery would eventually run out. I don't see him recharging in the movie, his charge icon in the HUD must be really red...

💎🙌10k, 69k, 100k, 420k DCA out

Tan lines are outstanding...

💎🙌10k, 69k, 100k, 420k DCA out


See? nobody cares.jpg

Take your talking points back to melty land. RC made it crystal clear early on he wouldn't telegraph a damn thing that could be used by shorts and paid media shills to attack Gamestop, raise mendacious lawsuits or undermine the plays however they can.

In the hostile environment Gamestop has to work in, you think he's going to change that now that just a few weeks ago in basically three days he added 3 billion to the bank straight out of the hands of shorts and market makers.

Or do you somehow think it was retail buying those 120 million shares in less than a weeks trading???

It's not rocket science OP, it's common sense...

GME Realist

^ This is the Meme Apocalypse Prophecy

Perhaps the shotgun shell could shoot out the back like a bazooka when fired, less powerful but minimal recoil, still probably deliver a lethal blast of pellets at a couple of meters. And the drone gets lighter.

Incorrect and very low info article. SpaceX have been landing their boosters on drone ships, not splashing them down like Space shuttle boosters. The Dragon capsules splash down.

This guy claims to be a professor of aerospace engineering , I think he needs to go back to University...

Whole article is once-over-lightly and has a whiff of AI.


Yeah, been thinking a drone loaded with say 8 shotgun shells that can take multiple close but non impact pot shots at infantry might have an even higher kill rate overall. 3d printed single-use sawn-off barrels on each round, effective kill range a few meters.

Fly along a trench sweeping up infantry with an aerial trench broom.

I think one problem with that idea is that many drones are flying out to the full extent of their battery life and transmitter range and looking for targets of opportunity before they drop, so the most flexible payload is best.

I saw that post about mixed use light weight fragmentation/armour piercing 3d printed rounds they were developing, and it seems a very sensible approach at least on drones that have to range a long way looking for targets.

GME Realist

Some dedicated degens out there on the fringes…

GME Realist

Make the strings red and I'm in!


Because the spoiler protects people scrolling past your post in their main feed. The first couple of paragraphs of your post is visible everywhere, not just once you click in...

Any movies you'd really like to see with twist endings I can spoil for you? Do you have a puppy you really like?

Are you familiar with the idea of a spoiler?

GME Realist

Man discovers calendar. More news at 6...

Why even bother existing if AI is smarter and can make Art and Music better than you?

Actually why even bother existing if some other person can do better?

Why even bother? Aren't you just consuming resources unproductively?

Helium, not hydrogen, its not used as fuel specifically. But hey, at least the door is still attached!

To be fair, I'm not sure my face would look great peeled off, lying on a tabletop, staring into the void. So who am I to judge...

Record scratch: "You're probably wondering how I got in this situation..."

During the flashback scene, decide not to go to Africa today.