:fallout: Reclamation Day

Mincraft, Outer Worlds, Firewatch are all great recommendations from this thread. Minimal to no combat, plenty of time to practice using the thumbsticks to look around.

:fallout: Reclamation Day

If you also have a PS4/5 grab Gran Turismo 7. That game looooves cars.

:fallout: Reclamation Day

Thinking like this is how you end up as a hoarder. For the vast majority of people, they will buy a bunch of collectibles which cost more than they will ever sell them for.

It's basic "get rich quick" thinking. Yeah, it works for a few, but more people by far lose money.

:fallout: Reclamation Day

Both things can be bad. We ain't over here saying COD is good, it's just reliable.

It's not about the speed of loading screens, which are driven by sequential read speed and CPU time. It's about all the little loads inside of a game, driven by vastly faster access times. On SSD, menus load smoother, item previews load smoother, LOD transitions load smoother.

SSD on PS4/XBO is far better than the stopwatch would imply. I'm sorry you were mislead by bad reporting. Digital Foundry normally gets it right, but their PS4 SSD article is bad. It's like asking them about 4:2:0 chroma subsampling. They just straight up don't get it and can't explain it.

Note: I had the original 1TB HDD, a 2TB Hybrid, and 2TB SSD in my PS4 Pro. The Hybrid drive is barely better. The SSD is noticeably and definitively better.

And "money is no object"? SATA SSDs are dirt cheap in The Year Of Our Lord 2024.

:fallout: Reclamation Day

Check out ifixit for guides on opening and cleaning. Hell, a little compressed air goes a long way without opening it.

:fallout: Reclamation Day

Consoles will update just fine after the store closes. You can also update from USB.

That said, a console is a mass produced consumer item. It is a cost, not an investment. All these people telling you to keep it sealed to retain value are crazy. People out here thinking every piece of consumer plastic they own is a retirement plan.

There is a backup procedure. You need a USB drive to back everything up to. Install SSD. Install OS from USB. Restore from external backup.

Note: A PS4 with an SSD is a much nicer experience.

:fallout: Reclamation Day

Dude, I own every box. Every box. I don't like the game because it's a bad game that takes advantage of people's gambling addiction, not because I can't play it.

:fallout: Reclamation Day

Or push F11. You seem to have put it in fullscreen mode.

:fallout: Reclamation Day

Restart your PC. It's a normal window over here.

:fallout: Reclamation Day

Guy writes article while not understanding how the Home Xbox setting works. Article is thus horribly inaccurate clickbait.

Yes, a dude online that set his Home Xbox to someone else's Xbox couldn't play his games. Of course he couldn't! His Xbox is the guest Xbox in that case! When you gameshare you give up the ability to play your games offline. That's the tradeoff. You don't then get to whine about the choice you made.

Stop spreading clickbait. Shame on you for posting this trash reporting.

:fallout: Reclamation Day

Yeah, I never need to interact with you again.

Blood On The Sand absolutely rules.

:fallout: Reclamation Day

"I said Xbox does not have a horror game genre to search by"

No you didn't. Read your own post before telling others they are wrong.

:fallout: Reclamation Day

It's Free2Play bullshit based on gambling mechanics. Nobody needs more of those.

The only thing different on this one is that the high level of polish tricks people in to thinking they don't have a gambling problem.

Google is irreparably broken. All it feeds you is ads and lies made up by AI. Bing actually works for it's intended purpose, searching for information. There is no information to be found at Google, hence OP's problem.

What? People liked Horizon 2 just fine and wrote about it a lot.

Stop using Google. Move to Bing or DuckDuckGo, where search actually works.

Dragon's Dogma sits 25-45fps because it is CPU limited. It could run at 480p and would still be well below 60fps.

:fallout: Reclamation Day

That's broken right now as well.

PS5 only draws 2.5 amps at max, so either one will be fine.

:fallout: Reclamation Day

But a new controller. That one is done, unless you want to learn to solder.