Just got an email from PWP begging for volunteers at the Columbus Arts fest. Who is the organizer of this festival because I would like to forward this info to them.

Yes I agree. But thank you for your help!

monbus ticket website wont go past may?Question

Is anyone else having this issue? I'm dropping luggage off at Santiago and want to take the bus to Ferrol in June. However when I try and book tickets it won't go past May. Is the site glitching for me or will I just have to wait until June for the calendar to open up? https://www.monbus.es/en

We’ve gone through all his paperwork and emails. No sign of a lawyer or the firm he would’ve worked with for a will. All he kept were tax returns.

I miss Squirrel’s Name 10 Trivia. Hands down the best

It’s these traveling “fests” you can find on eventbrite in big cities. Same thing happened with the Chocolate and Bourbon fest at COSI. I suspect it’s all the same company lying to venues to oversell tix.

Is a sleeping bag necessary? I was told just a silk liner would be sufficient for May/June

“Si te baja mucho o te baja poquito” = if you have a heavy flow or a light flow (periods) ??nsfwUse of language

I just watched an IG reel where the mother is explaining to her son the reasons for the different sized pads. Is my transcription of what she said correct?

May I suggest checking out https://permies.com/wiki/skip-pep-bb it’s a permaculture site where they encourage self teaching with online tutorials on various facets of homesteading life: you complete a project, post a photo, and earn “badges” on the forums. It’s more of an online community but it’s a start!!

Just watched this. I chuckled twice I think. Is it not exactly like the production that does “Not Another Teen Movie”/“Scary Movie”/etc (which I didn’t really find funny 20 years ago either) It just seems like an underwhelming spoof but with better production value.

If you’re already registered double check they haven’t purged you—Ohio has been pulling this bullshit

Why is her pregnant belly so oddly shaped? It’s very low on her hips instead of full starting below her chest. Is it just part of being a vaultie that pregnancy has changed?