Very common now days. Look up online Vandenberg AF base even has launch schedule. So you can catch every launch.

Man I’m no pro either. I always try start with just minimal like hand polish with foam pad and if it won’t do slowly ramp up. Light cut, heavy cut if still won’t do then wet sand. Try use small pad if you have it 5 inch or smaller. That way you won’t damage more area than necessary.

The agent told him he’s too stupid to fly and walk back outside.

That’s just dirty. Even if you find out once you’re in now you’re too embarrassed to walk out. “Na I came in here to eat!”

White people and their tiktoks.

No. No tip. He got ripped off.

Does it rub off with your finger? Looks like you can polish off. Maybe hand polish off with little compound.

Yea I had it triggered only once so far. Busy LA down town dude jump out from behind a car in bumper to bumper traffic. Quite certain I would have hit this guy if I was in another car.

They stopped making these. These were nice.

Never gona get the smell out of this.

YouTube music! I need this update now!

Is that automatic body picker upper?