I like Kaitlyn’s but I do agree that they’re not nice enough to boast about xD

Thank you. The fact that I’m gullible and anxious pretty much sucks 🥲

I wasn’t .-. Tbh I’m a bit scared to use toilet paper at this point just from all the stuff I’ve seen

I’m wondering if the fact that more people are able to test for autism can help anyone with these fears. We are generally fucked because of all the chemicals they add into our food, clothes, soaps and water .-.

I wish I knew how to do that lol. I cut my hair because I couldn’t style it. Beautiful braids

Even if you were overreacting (you’re not), she is being rude and you don’t deserve that.

Lol I love how unbothered the audience is at the end of

Nah that’s weird. It’s not even the fact that it’s a guy. Some random person you don’t know is going to be at your place of living while you are gone…

Yes, I would take that in a heartbeat. You start getting paid once you accept it

You first need to have a “chat” with your neighbor. Set up cameras, document them watching you etc. Scare them enough to leave you alone and mind their own business.

Regarding your parents, you left that religion and don’t live with them. They do not control you. If this guy really makes you happy, speak with your parents and tell them that you’re an adult who has their own life and don’t need to be watched and spoken to like a child. Whether this new relationship works out or not, you need to stand your ground and do what makes you happy. If that means that you are going to cut your family out of your life, do it.

Your husband is rude. It’s not a cultural thing, but it was probably taught to him

He’s a troubled YA trying to rebel from his family’s way of life 💀

That was easier than expected lol. Look at the middle of the photo and slowly look up

Your wife doesn’t seem to like you.. run 🏃‍♂️

lol Ann in the Duracell commercial was not on my 2024 bingo card but she has smile for ads!

Lower left quadrant. Start from the bottom and follow the second fold.

lol 😂 under your shoe jk look at the bottom of the toilet and go over 3 tiles to the right

lol behind the curtain. Easier than I thought

Look at the middle of the photo and scan left lol That’s HUGE