I'm serious. If you won't listen to the people here you've asked the question of, go ask the Rangers and do what they tell you to do.

Just ask a ranger when you get there where you can take 30 people to go touch a Sequoia.

Two tips:

  • Don't let your buyer tell you how you'll be paid.
  • Never send money to receive money.

You can probably obtain a licensed version to get rid of the message....

You sure have a way of making people actively not want to help you....

The National Parks are as much yours as they are mine. I didn't say you couldn't come visit them; it is this attitude you seem to have that needs to stay the fuck out of them.

Do you think the animals stay away from the trees because its bad for it?

Do you think the animals are gathering in huge numbers at the base of the trees to simply touch them?

When i was a kid going to Sequoia we didnt see any of that. And guess what the Sequoias are still there.

When enough people have the attitude you have, the Sequoias won't be there for long....

Please try to understand that we're in here trying to help save and protect the forest and Park from overuse and killing the trees.

If you really, really, really must put your own needs above those of everybody and everything else, ask a Ranger when you get there where it would be appropriate for a group of 30 (!?) people to get up close to a giant sequoia.

Please stay out of my national parks with this attitude.

NOBO (Thru turned Section hiker) 2018, 2019, 2022, 2023

I don't think it's possible for a person to "never bring up politics at all" and have their home adorned with this kind of stuff....

They realize, don't they, that, despite Trump's stupid rhetoric, Trump is not the United States, right? If anything, they should be flying the Trump flag upside-down.

Well, the filter some wavelengths of light and they can help certain colorblind people distinguish between certain colors. But, they do not enable a colorblind person to magically see colors they couldn't before.

I'm not. It was in a picture they posted to social media.

Carved wooden sign saying they're always hiring = High turnover rate =/= happy as hell employees....

Even if all of what you say is true (it isn't; but this isn't the place for that debate), Fansler started his business by agreeing to follow the rules. He then decided that the rules didn't apply to him anymore. That does not indicate a man of good integrity.

And that's where I'm going to leave it. For my other thoughts on Fansler, and on COVID check my comment history.

That's all I can really expect. Thanks.

I'll leave it with this. He agreed to follow the rules when he opened his three restaurants. One of those rules was to operate only with the permission of the Fresno Health Department. By staying open during COVID he ignored his own voluntary agreement to follow the rules. Men without integrity for agreements they voluntarily enter into are not "smart men". He has no integrity.

There's a reason there's a permanent sign carved into wood at Pismo's that says they're always looking for employees....

FYI, David Fansler, owner of Westwood's ignored COVID protocols and thought the rules didn't apply to him and his restaurants. He even thought that opening the windows makes a dining room an outdoor patio...

:flag-ca: California

Worse than that, IMO. Trump doesn't seem capable of discerning between legal and illegal.