Not that it helps you today, but I always make a bunch of spring seeds and plant those. I almost always finish the quest with my first batch.

Following! I also want to know where I can get those earrings! Her entire look this season was stellar.

I got to play the demo at PAX East this year and it was super fun! So excited to get to play more of this game now that it’s out and a huge congratulations on your accomplishment!

The worst is when she does come and she picks my wheat or another 4 day grow plant. Why can’t she grow a super pumpkin/cauliflower/melon? That would be useful!

After I saw the event where he ends up in the hospital, I refuse to give him beer. Only hot peppers and the occasional pizza.

I will say, rule 12 may be because of the venue. We had to include similar verbiage because of their liquor licenses. We had to sign it into our contract. That said, we just included it as a small addendum that said “please do not bring liquor to the venue, it’s not allowed” and that was that.

I have also seen the “please no photos during the ceremony” before, but everything on this list just reads so aggressive! They must have a lot of fear or worry about someone doing these things to put it this way and so bluntly.

My husband has a tattoo he got with his ex-wife. They are both capricorns so they got cap tattoos. I also felt that pang of jealousy…. Yes, it’s not rational or reasonable but it was still there. I had to spend time figuring out what was making me jealous - was it that it was a symbol of their love? Was it that it was a permanent reminder of what came before me? Ultimately, I figured out that, for me, it was just that I was early in my relationship and still feeling somewhat insecure. I was wondering if he would do the same for me or if he valued our relationship to the same level that he would permanently mark his body. We have been together for almost eight years now and I don’t even think about it anymore.

I should note, we also talked at length about it. To him, it doesn’t represent anything except his zodiac. He doesn’t see it as anything more than that and said he doesn’t even think about the fact he has a tattoo all that often.

It’s okay to feel jealous, but it’s important to identify why you feel that. It will get better in time and at some point you will let it go and it won’t bother you anymore.

ESH. Your sister has unresolved issues with your parents. That is between them and her. She shouldn't be dragging you into it (regardless of whether or not you were the golden child). On the flip side, it sounds like you have unresolved issues with your sister. You made an effort to try and have a relationship with her after she got her life together, but your first sentence is about how she is a mess and made you miserable. And when she was looking for a little empathy for her hurt at being turned away for the holiday, you lambasted her for her feelings.

It seems to me your sister just wants things to be better - I understand that takes time, grace, and forgiveness (and probably trust too). Yes, she started it by dragging you into her rant/upset about not being invited and calling you the golden child, but telling her she's lucky you and your family even talk to her is definitely an assholish move. You don't need to throw it in her face, even if it's true.

You don't need to sink into her drama and then give her fuel for the fire. Next time, ask to switch the topics. If she doesn't respect that, then get up and leave.

NTA. Send her a gift with your love (she is your best friend after all) and then do what you have planned already for your birthday.

Went to Six Flags New England yesterday for my birthday. I’m 5’4” and about 280. I carry a lot of weight in the middle. Anyway, here was what we did:

Bumper Cars - tight, but there isn’t anything needing to be pushed down and clicked, so no problem there

Flashback - chest harness and seatbelt, fit just fine, but the attendant needed to secure the chest harness it a little more. Beware, your head might hit the chest harness a few times because the ride is bumpy (but I’m also short). It was very fun!

Pandemonium - bar, we had to get a bigger car (I think it was car 1) and then it took two people to get it to click to the right amount. The ride was very fun, but it was very tight.

Teacups - seat belt, no issues

Carousel - no issues

Escape Arkham/gotham city - This was awful and I got off before it left the loading area. If I could have sat across the whole seat it would have been fine, but they make you squish into one half. They got the bar down and I couldn’t breathe it was so tight. My husband then went alone and said the ride was super janky and rickety and it messed with his back anyway. Kinda glad I didn’t go.

Catgirl Whip - seatbelt and lap bar, no issues and this ride was super fun.

I tried the tester seats at Batman and the Joker - neither tester seat would buckle (although Joker was very close!). I thought the chair at Joker was very comfortable, it’s just that the harness and buckle wouldn’t meet up by about one inch.

Many of the other rides were down or had long waits, so we didn’t try them out.

We got the VIP lounge which was awesome. It was hot and having a place to sit in AC was definitely worth it. Be aware - they only give out 80 bands a day, so even if you pre-purchase, you could end up going to guest services for a refund (we were watching people who had paid get turned away).

We also got the unlimited drink and meal pass. We had three meals and two snacks while there and it definitely paid for itself. The drinks, once you get your cup and wristband, you can just walk up and fill up. We had a great meal at Chopstix and my party also got spicy buffalo wings, chicken fingers, pizza, fried oreos, and sooo many fries. If you are going to be there all day, it’s worth it. Most of our meals ran $20, so two meals and one snack pays for itself (not to mention unlimited drinks). You can use the app to see what’s available/covered.

I (F) had an ex (M) who told me that if I broke up with him, he would have nothing to live for and that he might as well just be gone from this earth. We had dated for almost 6 years at that point (I was almost 25, he was 26). It was very difficult because even though I didn’t want to be with him, I still cared deeply for him. I went and saw a counselor, who told me that if he did something, it wasn’t my fault. I told her that my head rationally understood that, but my heart would still feel like I did this. We talked a lot about guilt and doing the right thing. Then she told me to break up with him in a place where he could be comforted by someone else (and where they could watch him) and so I did it outside at his dad’s house where he was currently living. It’s been 15 years since then and it still was possibly the hardest break up I have had to do. Give yourself a little grace, breaking up with someone can be very difficult, even if it’s the right decision. Good luck!

I moved here from Wisconsin and my local NE friends asked "Are you ready for NE winters?" thinking the weather here was something I needed to prepare for. I said "It's been, on average, negative 20F in Wisconsin for the past three weeks. It's been 25-30F here. I am absolutely prepared for 40+ degrees warmer." Aside from a Nor'Easter, the weather here is pretty mild in comparison.

My husband got a picture with you in the elevator and you told him he was dimma-delightful - you literally made his whole weekend. He has shown everyone that pic so proudly and then repeated what you said. haha. Love it. We saw you a few other times and you always gave us thumbs up. Hope we see you again next year!

I came here to say a similar thing (as someone who also has pcos). I’m already facing these issues and I can’t imagine having someone try and steal my dreams from me, much less my husband. NTA.

If you've asked her not to do it, she should respect you and not do it. Period. Full stop. It's both emotionally and verbally abusive.

Short Answer: I play Yanfei with Raiden, Xingqiu, and Zhongli.

Long Answer: I like the split combo and I have a lot of shield's and a lot of reactions. It's easy enough to sub in other classes or people and still get a lot of the bonuses/reactions, but that is the comp I run most. I usually open with Zhongli for a shield, then I use Raiden's E, Xingqiu's E, and then just wail on them with Yanfei until it's time to re-up on the other E's. When I need big d dps, I pop Zhongli's and Xingqiu's Q, and then use Raiden's Q (until it finishes) or I pop Raiden's E and switch to Yanfei for her Q. (If I'm going to use Raiden's E, I would probably run it as Xingqiu's Q, Raiden's E, Zhongli's E and Q, and then switch to Yanfei for her Q.)

SW-2825-0889-3483 Raelana, Wasa Bae

Savory bread so far is my favorite. :)

SW-2825-0889-3483 Raelana, Wasa Bae

I would love to come by if your gates are still open. :)

SW-2825-0889-3483 Raelana, Wasa Bae

I would love to come over! :)

SW-2825-0889-3483 Raelana, Wasa Bae

Rhonda is my favorite! I swear, she's secretly Lizzo. :)

SW-2825-0889-3483 Raelana, Wasa Bae

I am in love with the new gyroids!!!! Definitely my favorite thing on the island now. :) My favorite set though is the cute diy table.

SW-2825-0889-3483 Raelana, Wasa Bae

Would love to stop by! I can't make much yet, but I'm excited to make pumpkin bagels soon! (need to get wheat!)

SW-2825-0889-3483 Raelana, Wasa Bae

I would like to come please! :)

Hey Shiz,

I perhaps have a different perspective than others and interestingly enough, I've talked at length with a different officer of u/Tonric 's guild at length. Mostly because he sits next to me at night, lol. :3

I came into the RP world in the middle of Legion. My first RP experience was in a Discord event (hey, you were there!) and most of my subsequent rp has been either in servers dedicated to a specific storyline, events driven in Discord, or in small groups in Discord to further a storyline. Coming into RP this way, Discord has actually become my preference, but has remained so for a few reasons. The first comes down to timing - I work from home (as I'm doing right now) and I have time to push out some RP during the day while I'm letting reports run or when I need a break. I'm in Discord almost every day (if not every day), but I'm rarely in game. Plus I'm older - I'm in that generation where I don't necessarily want to talk to other people after I've worked all day. RPing in Discord allows me to do it on my time, respecting my desire to interact or not with other people, while allowing me to still be part of the community. Second, in-game RP is still very much uncomfortable for me. Perhaps it's because I learned on Discord, but as my partner can tell you, I'm very inexperienced with in-game RP and I struggle with it. We had a guild meeting not too long ago in game and I basically disappeared for an hour and went and read my book in the middle of it - I felt the conversation was slow moving and then all of a sudden everyone scattered and I literally did not know I could just ... walk over and join a random conversation. Again, this may come from my inexperience with in-game RP, but I wonder how much other new rp'rs feel like this. I'm sure if I made an effort to do more RP in-game that would dissappate, but that also then goes back to my first point - I just don't really have the time.

I would like to speak to your comment on cliquishness though. Because I have totally felt that. Coming into this community, new to RP, joining a huge guild - it was very intimidating. It helped significantly that my partner is a huge rp'r and has been around in the community since the server was started and he kinda pushed me into several rp stories when I first started. And yes, everyone was extremely welcoming and happy to have a new person. But there are times I feel that cliquishness - I still feel awkward joining rp that's ongoing, like somehow I don't belong... or that everyone seems to have these extremely long histories with their characters. I will say that some of that awkwardness I feel is going away, but I still sometimes feel like an outsider. And yes, some of that is inherently within myself to correct/feel better about, but people can also help by inviting other people/characters to rp with them outside of the group they normally rp with. Which I have been seeing a lot more of and it's great.

I'm really surprised that you didn't mention one of the cons I see of Discord rp: That there is so freakin' much of it. I literally cannot keep up with it. Sometimes I can't even keep up with stories I'm involved in. I have to have a dedicated rp read night.... heck, sometimes my partner and I read RP to each other in the car because we just don't have time to do it on our own.

So... with that said, what can you do?

Well, I think a lot of the suggestions made are good ones. My own suggestions would be to specifically invite people to in-game rp with you, maybe people you've never seen in game before (who have current subs) or new people in general. Be willing to work with and provide feedback to new rp'rs (I know when I started, I asked a ton of questions about how that was, what pointers I could take, etc). Host a big event (or a little one) and drum up interest on the community TNRH discord server and also reach out to other servers. A lot of people I'm friends with now are from events that reached out to other servers ahead of time. Embrace these and I think you would see an uptick in rp.

But also embrace the fact that Discord rp here to stay.