When I told you I was on the pill - I Lied

When I told you that my father wasn't that mafia guy on TV - I lied.

Now you are a father of a cute baby girl.

And now my father is looking for you.

Future husband

Watching shows and seeing other people do it.

Watch and learn.

Practice at home.

So many times I had thought of a good comeback afterwards but remember it for next year.

I once was telling a friend of an amusing situation I got myself in thst morning but he wasn't getting it so I said at the end "Well you had to be there.."

And he laughed at that.

Right now I am on a train so I would be inside a concrete wall.

So not good.

Yes you can but it took my 30 years to get it natural.

I haven't failed to make a girl laugh with my puns etc

I got it woth other novelty socks from my grandchildren

How are supposed to afford that holiday?

Yep it isn't going to get bigger thatcway, it isn't a balloon animal