Now there's a meme I haven't seen for a long time...

"Melancholy masturbation" is an oddly amusing turn of phrase, and it definitely describes some events I lived through while getting divorced.

Unlike a bicycle, where the left brake lever is the front brake, on a motorcycle it's the clutch. The right brake lever is the front brake instead of the rear, and the rear brake is on a pedal on the right hand side of the bike.

Yes the dog on the left  had all the classic tell-tale pitbull breed characteristics:

  • A think blocky head
  • Floppy ears
  • A broad chest
  • Muscular build
  • Brindke coat

Definitely a pit bull /s

Thank you for demonstrating once again that people can't tell dog breeds apart.

she must have done something to provoke the dogs

She did do something to provoke them: she opened the door and entered the house without the owners being home. A big reason people have dogs is precisely in the hopes that the dogs will attack people who enter the house when the owners aren't home. The dogs were just doing what people want them to do.

But that poor woman is blameless here. The owners are fucking idiots who should be made destitute for this.

They'll see this in the future.

I, too, wish to humbly submit myself to the will of Roskos Basilisk...

And the people that attacked him had reason to be there? The guy that drew a gun on Rittenhouse wasn't looking for trouble? Rittenhouse being there with a gun is evidence of bad intentions, but the other guy being there with a gun isn't?


Your histrionics are a bit much.

Edit: @labellavita

I THINK its HISTRIONIC to use ExCEssIV3 capITaliZATion, to use loaded language like "hunted," and to call a 17 year old a child.

"Murder" literally means to kill a human being illegally.

The law says you're not allowed to commit homicide without justification.

For what it's worth, there's no law that says you have to obey a 911 dispatcher. They aren't police officers, and have no authority.

My ex-wife and her two younger siblings were "unschooled." Currently, they are:

  1. A tenure professor of Philosophy at a pretty good public university with a Ph.D from a good school
  2. A software engineer at Google (BA in Philosophy, minor in Computer Science)
  3. A business development manager at a small company (BA Dual major in Philosophy and Theater)

The problem is, of course, is that we can't really tell if they succeeded because of or in spite of being unschooled.

And there are other factors at play:

  1. Their parents were completely non-religious
  2. Their mother was a stay at home mom, but prior to that was a school teacher
  3. Their mother had a masters degree in Biology
  4. Their father was a software engineer long before it was popular
  5. Their father played multiple instruments, and so encouraged them to pick up instruments too (my ex was very good at the violin)
  6. Their mother took them out to socialize at a lot of events focused on children; things like 4H, volunteer activities, etc.

And to answer the question in the original post, the middle child was a boy who didn't "learn" to read until he was 8, but it was more like he knew how to do it because his parents read to him a lot while they looked at books, he just never tried to read anything until it reached a point where the models he was building were too complicated to figure out just by looking at the pictures in the instructions.

On another note...

but half the point of school is learning how to socialize and work with people within that type of environment.

I hate this argument, because its garbage.

School is an incredibly artificial social situation that has no analog in the real world, and as such, I question how useful it is for learning socialization.

  1. The teacher is essentially a dictator, with absolute power over the students; and unlike a boss you can tell to fuck off, you have to go to school, and they can, in fact, physically detain you.
  2. Its unnaturally organized by age, putting a bunch of people of the same age together in a way that just doesn't really happen naturally
  3. Its non-voluntary; you have to spend a significant amount of time with those other people against your will, which again, doesn't really happen like that in real life

And so on.

I think the word is "naggers"...

It's not racist to say "all black people love fried chicken." It's just the truth.

But it is racist to say "all black people love fried chicken and watermelon."

I didn't find the one chip challenge much of a challenge. Sure, it burned, but honestly, it was more annoying than anything else because I had to sit there and wait for my mucus membranes to settle back down.

That being said, my wife asks me if something I ordered in a restaurant or made at home is spicy, and I have to remind her that it's not to me, but that's not really useful information for her.

I'm extremely proud of the fact that, back around 2010, I managed to get a Thai restaurant near where I worked to stop questioning if I was absolutely sure I wanted the dish "Thai hot," and still toning it down when I said "yes."

One time I ordered from there and a coworker wanted some too, and decided to try it Thai Hot after he heard me ask for it. It was particularly spicy that time (but so good). I went to check on him after I was done, and found him with tears leaking out of his eyes, and his lips red and puffy.

I used to be very puzzled by sovereign citizens and baffled that they thought their nonsensical arguments would work in court, like it's some sort of magic ritual and if you just uttered the right words and you'd get off.

Then I learned that most people seem to think the judicial system is staffed by morons who couldn't make basic and extremely trivial inferences, and that so long as you don't admit to something, they can't possibly convict you based on your actions which clearly show premeditation and intent.

And one day it hit me: the difference between the SovCits and the average idiot is not a difference in kind, but a difference in degree.