Fair enough, good taste. Still think 8 is a bit low for ER though.

Can I ask you a question? What is your 10/10 game if Elden Ring is 8/10

Yeah, I get that. How does that make it nerve-wracking for SotE to get 10s across the board. From had a good track record with it, Bethesda doesn't anymore.

Are you saying Elden Ring is an 8/10 game?

Why? The same thing  happened with the original release of Elden Ring as well.

"Grew facial hair because he understood being a beard just fit him better"

Eh, that's a bit of a disingenuous comparison to make. Firstly, it's not specifically infinite, the point is that it's open ended. So it could follow a traditional gacha life cycle. It could certainly get tiresome, but it would only number a dozen+ YEARS after its release. The reason I'm comfortable with the thought is because its essentially just the promise of a vigilante/superhero series, like with spiderman/batman.

Yeah, and this is not one of them. I get you don't like the news but if you read the article it clearly shows why Larian felt restricted and explained why they wanted to move on to new things. If this wasn't said twice as many people would have been complaining about the lack of disclosure and incorrectly hinted epilogue plots.

The news released today. The family was given a week to hold a private funeral before it was publicized.

Ohhh, I did not read it like that at all. I thought you were implying it's shitty that he didn't die. Sorry, I was biased because of all the comments supportive of her actions.

You are talking completely out of your ass. Here's the link so other people can read. https://www.newspapers.com/article/the-journal-times-bertha-boronda/27650219/ Please think before you spread misinformation.

"Boronda did not claim to have been raped. Bertha's defense was simple. She claimed she didn't remember the night of the crime; her mind was a blank."

Wait, what the fuck is wrong with you? If you googled that far you should know she wasn't justified in this. At least other commentors can claim ignorance for arbitrarily supporting her and hating the husband. Why do you think he's a POS????

OK, but with your last sentence you are basically invalidating what you've said. You either accept that no one is entirely irredeemable (and I can inevitably bring Hitler into this internet argument) or understand what you're doing is just being more accepting and more willing to forgive people.

But that line is entirely subjective, and most people would still think someone is irredeemable for constantly and unrepentantly doing bad actions. Which is what most of these youtube dramas and expose pieces are about.

Also why is it bad that people use the word "ireedamble"? You said that it's important the guilty people face some punishment and without all this moral outcry and drama and outrage bait, nothing concrete would ever happen to big Youtubers.


Please don't let the song be commissioned for this shit as well. It's a banger.

"There's a difference between consequences from the government and consequences from the court of public opinion.

Freedom of speech protects from government consequences, not public opinion consequences.

If I harass someone and follow them down the street and they record me and I lose my job that's a consequence. If I protest against the company I work for I'll probably lose my job as well. If I say Biden is a potato and he should be planted in a field the government can't put me in jail as a consequence."

I stole this answer from this reddit thread if you want more examples- https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/comments/yzpwde/cmv_freedom_of_speech_does_not_equal_freedom_from/?rdt=53245&xpromo_edp=enabled 

If you're looking for Batman horror, you've probably already read Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth, but if you haven't, then check it out. The art is gorgeous and haunting.

Wait, why are you bringing those two into an anime/Ln discussion? I've read both and know about MT, so I don't know where the comparison is coming from.

There is no real bear sex, the other companions have proper "romance" scenes. Iirc, at the start of the games life cycle, people were willing to commit genocide because one of the evil companions had a spicy sex scene, blowjob and all.

That said, Bg3 is an absolutely brilliant game that I adore to bits, so if horniness is your reason to play it, go right ahead, there are way worse places your dick could have led you.

You being totally fine with being associated with Nazis just to trigger people doesn't really paint you in a much better light.

Saitama, Light and Sukuna.

Saitama is strong enough to defend me from anyone else physically. Not getting into any power scaling debates with whether he can beat Goku, if Goku comes at me, I'm just on the floor crying and sniveling so the dude feels too bad to kill me.

And Light and Sukuna because they have the most insidious forms of assassination that Saitama may not be able to protect me from.