One tree hammock

We have a pretty small garden and would like to hang up a hammock. There's one big sturdy tree, but the only things to hang the other end off are 9 inch thick brick walls separating our garden from our neighbour's.

We read online that it's a bad idea to hang a hammock off a brick wall like this, but we don't really have the space for a hammock stand to be in the garden all the time. Are there any sort of collapsible hammock stands we could use for one end?

Another annoying constraint is that we have fake grass which we can't replace, so pitching isn't really an option...

Thanks in advance!

What to cook for somebody going through chemo

My friend has recently been diagnosed with terminal cancer in his mid 20s. His family live on the other side of the country, and his boyfriend lives abroad (though will hopefully be able to move back very soon).

In the meantime, I want to bring some meals round for him every few days as his chemo starts on the weekend and he doesn't have anybody living with him to help out. I'm concerned about what to cook though - I'm a decent cook but I often cook quite rich Asian dishes and I'm worried about making his nausea worse. Should I be avoiding making stuff that's too sweet or salty or anything?

Sorry if this is a silly question, I'd normally ask my friend but he will just tell me to cook whatever I'd cook for myself because he's worried about inconveniencing me. Would really appreciate advice.

Before writing Ding off, you should take a look at games 4 and 6 of the 2023 WCC. The man is a genius

Yeah but Fabi is better at chess than Nepo

He's allowed himself to get too high on time

Alireza's accuracy goes up in time trouble lmao

Hikaru and Nepo playing 3D chess with these facial expressions

Hikaru wants to make this into a blitz tiebreak

Vidit has made this tournament by playing the most ballsy chess

That is not how I remember the press conferences during the last WCC.

For me it seemed like during his WCC with Ding, he was making a lot of excuses. Being really salty about all the games he lost or threw away wins for in the press conferences for example. The sleeping pills thing was a big one. Also he was very ungracious in defeat - he wasn't giving props to Ding for beating him or playing well.

Whilst Ding is clearly out of shape and I do think that the non classical tournaments should count towards that, I think that people are writing him off way too soon. At his peak he was comfortably stronger than every currently active player bar Magnus. He has leeway to play with and we saw that he can play incredible chess even while out of shape at the WCC last year.

Zhu Li is definitely up there with Piandao

I reckon it's Sage. The leaker said her power is that she's super smart so I'm thinking she manipulates Hughie to get to Annie / The Boys.

Just look at Nepo's Wikipedia page vs Fabi's if you want to understand the downvotes... Fabi isn't "in the conversation", the conversation ended with him

I literally tell them that I find it super satisfying to have annoyed someone so much they rage quit. Then spend some time replying to emails or messages and keep checking on the app so it doesn't automatically resign me. They normally don't let the clock run fully out and just resign when they realise this.

You're gonna touch the moon soon with all this reaching

Whilst I agree this point is unrelated, social media causes a lot of harm to under 16s and a ban would absolutely be a net good. This is pretty well documented and backed up by evidence.

I get you, but it's literally based on the data you are asking for in this thread so just letting you know that the data is already out there in vast quantities :)

There are loads of calculators for this online that take the average person of X height at Y age and predict their final height (also accounting for parents' heights).


That said, remember it's an average. On my 14th birthday I was 6'1, and these models said I'd end up 6'6. However I just finished growing really early and am still 6'1 at 26. :)

I know this doesn't stop it being infuriating and hurtful, but please know that there are huge numbers of British people who welcome you and are delighted that you've chosen to live here.