Yeah, and especially in the garage. In the house, I see mostly scorpions, with the odd black widow here or there. In the garage the black widows and scorpions are definitely at war, and I'm always finding scorpions that have been caught in black widow webs. (Incidentally, black widow webs are very distinctive, since they have a very high tensile strength.)

We have these bros hiding out in the yellow tulips, and its always so fun to see them!

I have these bros in the house, along with the occasional black widow. One thing about fluorescence is that they will not fluoresce when they are babies or when they have just molted. Their fluorescence locks in when their exoskeleton solidifies.

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Would you also want to pet a Komodo Dragon?

For those who are not familiar with painted wolves...

The puppies are born with only black and white markings. The white ones remain the same for the rest of their lives and as each one has a unique pattern, they provide a wonderful tool to identify those puppies from then on. By contrast, some of the black fur starts changing to a tan colour after a few weeks. So if you see images of puppies that have no tan in their fur, you know that they have not been out of the den long.

As the puppies grow, the alpha female will likely move them to another den site for any number of reasons. The site may be too infested or safety being compromised being the main ones. It takes little imagination to see that being visited by numerous vehicles throughout the day is going to compromise the safety of the den site and that it increases the chances of the puppies being moved on. As den moves are a time of high risk for the puppies, that's bad news.

If you like painted wolves, please share our 'ban on no tan'.

You know, there's some places where there are wars with these kinds of things!

I'm having the exact opposite happening to me. I use old reddit in the desktop mode on my phone. Ever since yesterday morning it has defaulted to new reddit, and I am not able to change the settings to "show desktop site".

I started reading this and had to look at your username, because I thought sure I was going to be reading, “ . . . back in nineteen ninety-eight, when the Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell in a Cell . . .’