Would you really pay an extra $50 for a working membrane keyboard?

I had to look, I think Seawolf but frankly it's the only one I've played from that year...

I quite like HF flap disks. None of them really last long in heavy use so the cheaper the better. I've got a quarter sheet sander from HF that isn't very good. I bought it like 15 years ago, so before stuff got better. The worst thing is that the sanding pad was about 1/8" too big. I cut it down and now it actually holds a quarter sheet of paper.

The other day somebody was saying that where they lived there was no closed season, Texas maybe? He seemed incredulous that there were closed sessions anywhere.

Me too, rabbits all over the place like we've never had before. Hardly a day we don't have one in our yard.

I especially enjoy introducing friends to venison, especially friends who "don't like venison". My dad ruined every piece of venison I'd ever eaten by cooking it to gamey leather. My wife and I work hard to make every bit count.

I built a critter proof bin and my supply of compost about doubled. I've got video of mice running around on top but not getting in...

Sadly they all will probably breed...

That has to be one of the weirdest autocorrects I've ever had...

So get the money from them, pay the dealer. Leave the dealer a bad review and badmouth them to everybody you know...

People generally overstate the difficulty of composting period. You put it in a pile and it composts. If it didn't compost, wait longer... You can do everything wrong and still get quality compost if you wait long enough.

Ask the bank if they'll still honor the terms of the loan without dealer involvement. Cut the dealer out of the finance process...

I always wonder why anybody cares what anyone else thinks. If a buddy shows you a picture of a deer do you go "oh, it's so small..."


I think about this when the line of "what would this score?" Posts come along.

I couldn't care less about score, I want delicious. All of the deer I've ever shot have been does and we ate venison roast on Christmas last year...

You're going out of your way to find something to be upset about here. It could be you need to turn off media for a little while.

Asking questions that you already know the answer to allows your subject to state things in their own words making the interview about them and not you. Steve does it too but often makes it clear he's doing it. This is the mark of a good interviewer, recognition of who the interview is about which really isn't the interviewer...

Dad has a bull permit for the last week of September...

They're not the same, they're both fucking you but in different (often opposite) ways...

You make up these amazing stories in the absence of facts. My family has owned this land for 150 years. The pond was built in 1965. Beavers moved in around 2007. There have always been beavers in the county, they only recently (relatively) found us

You didn't build your house in a floodplain, you were next to a little creek which is now a multi acre pond because the beavers built a dam 4 feet high. They've killed every tree for 50 feet around the area to feed on or build with. Your road is flooded and your land ruined. You still like beavers?

You clearly haven't experienced beavers in any way. Before you tout how great they are I suggest you at least research a little into the negative.

The pond is manmade. They keep blocking the outflow which threatens the dam. If it breeches there is no way I'll ever be permitted to rebuild.

Lately they seem to mostly have moved to another pond and constructed their own dam. This threatens one road and has covered another.

They're a scourge, we don't need them in our area, I wish I'd started shooting when they first arrived.

They repopulate as fast as I can remove them. I'll destroy a house and dam and they'll rebuild it. We've taken out probably 50 or more. No hyperbole, there was one year I shot 7 and a trapper took another 7. There have been a lot of years we took 10.

They follow the brook up from the river. I think they can smell the other beavers. I'm thinking at some point I need to drain the pond and leave it empty for a year. I hate to lose the fish though...