It was the no sell that I remember hating

That's his gimmick though. He's basically invincible.

You can see the whole match he's "hulking up" as HHH hits him..I agree the timing was.komd.of bad and didn't show that good enough but nothing out of the ordinary for an ultimate warrior match happened there.

The only people who were ever able to present a challenge to UW were orders of magnitude above HHH at that point so IMO to sell that pedigree would have been an insult to them.

I love how people point out the draft thing like literally every single person in the country who could avoid the draft didn't do the exact same thing.

Rich, politicians, even some who also became president.

That's why so many people went to college until they ended that loophole.

I don't blame anyone for trying to avoid Vietnam. I would have done the exact same thing.

Don't know the dimensions of the space but with the server OP mentioned I don't see any reason why he couldn't mount a small rack up high and put it there.

Not in danger of water damage unless the heater literally explodes which is highly unlikely. And it looks like an electric heater so shouldn't be throwing off much heat if any.

As far as building codes and whatever else, that's on you to figure out. But as far as the. Equipment living in there and being happy, it should be fine.

It's not coming from anywhere..he just doesn't know what he's talking about.

I thought lawyers made more money than that πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

You can do it without killing all the stalkers as well but you gotta be fast.

I'm gonna assume the road was curved like in the left side of the video and the other person was just driving too fast around a blind curve to compensate.... But I really have a pet peeve about people busting u turns in fucking stupid places as well.

Situational awareness is a thing. Just because you can doesn't mean you should.

The problem is that side also started the war πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

You don't get to carry out an attack like October 7 then come back months later like "I keed, I keed."

Hamas has proposed two ceasefire deals to release the hostages but Israel has insisted on obliterating Palestine instead.

There's zero chance any of those hostages are still alive.

And Hamas literally fired the first shot so who cares what ceasefire they proposed ?

I worked with a guy on and off for a few years who was a complete arrogant dick. But, he knew his shit. And he liked to hear himself talk. So I'd ask him questions and just let him ramble on. I'd listen and take notes. I remember one time I was in the phone with him basically transcribing everything he told me.

I learned how to set up servers, domain controllers, active directory, exchange, DNS, etc. all just from absorbing everything he was telling me.

Yeah looks that way. I always look before proceeding regardless but I don't think there's anything OP could have done to avoid this.

Remove that shit tell them they have to provide you with a computer if they want control over it.

They can't force you to install anything on your personal computer.

FOH with that bullshit.

I live in NYC and power outages are pretty common. πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

She probably wants to raid your fridge.

J/k but I had a friend who swore up and down his cleaning lady was eating his food when he wasn't home and this reminded me of it. Lol

I'm not really a Tesla fan but I don't see the point in posting misleading stuff.

First of all I'd love to see anywhere Tesla advertised the cybertruck to do what you see there in the video.

Those are really steep approach and departure angles. Looks like the back is bottoming out on the river bed and that's why they can't get up the hill.

I can't think of any stock suspension piclup truck that could drive over that easily.

If you're an idiot and drive in to a situation that you should have known exceeds the capabilities of your vehicle, that's not the fault of the vehicle. πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

People have wild superstitions

I've been driving for 25 years now. I've never once given any thought to seeing a fuel tanker or not at a gas station. I have never in my life gotten "bad" gas from any gas station either where I live or anywhere I've traveled to. πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

Of course it's a city vehicle too πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™‚οΈπŸ€£

I had a boss like that who wanted me to work Christmas Eve. It was a computer repair shop. I told him nobody gets their stupid computer fixed on Christmas Eve and I wasn't coming in.

It worked lol

I really hate that. I'll donate if and when I feel like it. I don't need to be guilted in to it or harassed about it while I'm trying to go about my life.

And like OP said why don't these giant corporations donate themselves?

Another thing that really grinds my gears is celebrities doing commercials for charities asking for $10 per month or whatever else. Some of these people are worth hundreds of millions of dollars and they're on TV asking me for money when I can barely afford to survive 🀬

It's crazy that people don't just throw that shit in the garbage πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

I get using the disposal for certain things but intentionally using your sink as a garbage can never made any sense to me.