Yeah, we have some ticks that spread lyme disease throughout the state, but we're not a hotbed for them like in Wisconsin/Minnesota or out east.

Well, since they're in the finals now, I'm gonna officially hop on the Florida train. I've said it before, but I think their fans deserve the big win after sticking with that team through so many miserable seasons.

I didn't say he was wrong. In fact, I just said my downvote was only about "hard fucking stop."

Periods are already hard stops, adding "hard fucking stop" after one is just being indulgent.

I don’t know about everyone else, but I downvoted him because of “hard fucking stop”

Boy, I really thought that the Rangers in the final was a foregone conclusion, but Florida has been playing great in this series.

Kinda feels like whoever wins this series is winning the cup.

I am certain I have heard many songs throughout my life where, if you asked me if I've ever heard that song before, I would tell you no. I would technically be lying, but if you don't know you're lying... well that opens a whole new can of worms.

It could very well be the case that this woman has heard The Power of Love at some point in her life, but that doesn't mean she remembers anything about its composition. Even the experts have to listen to a song multiple times before they recreate it, it doesn't matter how good they are.

I think the thing to remember is that professional musicians tend to exist within their niches. I had a piano teacher who had an encyclopedic mind for classical music but she had never heard most pop or rock songs before, even if they were wildly popular. They focus within their genre because that's how they make a living.

Sure, but Elvis was one of the all time greats. It's like how everyone has heard Frank Sinatra before, even if they were born after he died. Is Huey Lewis at the same level of renown as those two? I don't know.

If someone born in the 90s onward has never seen Back to the Future, it's not crazy to think that they've never heard The Power of Love before. Or maybe they have heard it on the radio throughout the years but can't clearly recollect it. There's a lot of music out there.

Ken Daniels, Doc Emrick, and Gary Thorne, the best to ever do it.

You're going to have to spend assets to move Holl to a bottom feeder and Petry has a modified no trade clause. Maatta and Walman (and maybe Chiarot) are the defensemen who will actually net a return if you need to open up space, and we do.

I don't want to see Maatta or Walman go, but there's no denying their value as trade chips when trades need to happen.

Major League Hockey about to discover why most major sports have protected divisions for women.

They haven't let Bob Wischusen call a single game in the conference finals and that's a damn shame. I think he's going to call every game in the final but that man deserves to call as many games as his heart desires.

An even stronger point is why do we bring in air and food through the same pipe? The design could be improved for sure.

What does he do well that we need? I would say we need better, faster skaters because our biggest problem on offense at the moment is skating it into the zone. If it isn't Larkin, Raymond, Kane, Cat, or Seider skating it in, we get into trouble quickly.

We have solid defenders in the pipeline and we have too many defensemen as is.

I've seen several people say they want a trade for Kakko and I don't get it. He's fine I guess but I don't see how he improves this team.

Maybe you acquire him cheap on the hopes he flips a switch, but I don't really feel like this team is in a good position to do that. If it were two years ago I would be more for it, definitely.

Undoubtedly, this is the most exciting offseason the Wings have had in many years. So many RFAs that the Wings have to make a lot of moves this year. Very excited to see what the roster looks like as we head into next season.

What stats are you referring to? He was +8 on the season which to me suggests a serviceable defenseman. I'm not saying he's the second coming of Lidstrom or anything like that. He didn't score any goals, but he's never been a big goal scorer anyway.

I think he's mostly whatever, I don't think he's as bad as this subreddit says. I still don't think it's going to take a ton to move him.

I know I'm kinda crazy for thinking that we can deal Holl without having to give up too much. We'll have to give up something, but his numbers show that he's at least a serviceable RHD, and a lot of teams need those.

Holl's problem is that he got signed to a team that had a logjam of defensemen, and that was by design. I remember Yzerman saying near the outset of the season that he was concerned about injuries, and those concerns largely didn't pan out, which limited Holl's ice time. I don't think he's as bad as his limited ice time suggests, but more of a victim of circumstance.

They should have included the entire sequence from game 81 and introduced it with dramatic music to really set the tone. O Fortuna or something lol