At least yours was from surgery. A needle tech severed most of my ulnar nerve in my arm during a routine blood draw. Now my ring and pinky finger feel pretty much nothing.

I hadn’t even thought about that. But he probably takes prescription drugs and he’s rich so he probably has a “legit” prescription for them.

I don’t think they hate each other. My brothers and I are just super mean to each other, but it comes from a place of love. We’re the only people that we treat that way, but to an outsider you’d think we hate each other.

Yeah, when you get down to the core of the Bundys, they are savagely protective of each other. They love to talk shit and act mean, but they defend each other and care about each other.

Maybe Al is impotent and knows he won't be able to have sex with Peg and doesn't even feel like trying anymore. There are some episodes where he gets aroused and is ALL ABOUT banging Peg. There's one episode where they are having a BBQ or something, and Peg is cleaning the grill, I think. The sight of Peg actually doing work turns Al on, and he practically drags her to the bedroom. It happens like 4 times in the episode. By the last time, Peg is crying about it.

The “Can Can Can” scene in Moulin Rouge is awesome for test pretty much every component of your home setup. Full range of colors, lots of bright and dark co trust, and the song covers a lot of different genres of music. I don’t watch the whole movie, but it’s my go to for testing out new stuff.

My dad tries to pull this shit. I call him republican and he’s like “I’m not a republican I’m a libertarian.” Then I ask him when the last time he voted for a non republican was and he has no answer.

Sorry we pulled that one down. We do have a cartoon about Werner coming in the near future.

If you liked Cliffhanger, you'll love Demolition Man.

Man, she's going to be really bummed when she sees what's on the celebrity deep fake porn sites.

Capitalism doesn’t work if everyone is too poor to buy anything. So yet again mega corps will have governments subsidize their businesses by giving people UBI. Our future is not Star Trek, if anything it’s In Time.

Yeah, I talk about some random shit with my brothers on discord and it definitely gets into my advertising algorithm. Although, I suspect that’s because my phone is in the room most of the time. Ad targeting is diabolical at this point.

I accidentally flew into and out of New Orleans with a packed bowl in my backyard. I totally forgot it was in there from a different trip. My bag got pulled for search twice and the didn’t find it. Idk what they are looking for.

Yeah, it’s not like North Carolina has a history with violent race issues. Totally no KKK problems here. We have one of the most covered up race riots in US history. This state is all about covert racism.

My stepdad did special effects for Phantasm III. I think he’s on the bonus features for the dvd.