This is not true. Processing and soft synths benefit greatly from high sample rates such as 96khz. There are more high frequencies and detail in the signal since it is given greater than two times the sample points than 44.1khz.

The issue is that aliasing and IMD (Intermodulation Distortion) will still occur at high sample rates. I recommend using a high-quality ultrasonic filter before and after each processing plugin to remove content above 20khz. If you don't the foldback distortion/aliasing will smear and mask detail/transients and alter the tone of lower frequencies.

When mixing at a high sample rate and using ultrasonic filters, once you down sample back to 44.1khz or 48khz for distribution, you will retain the higher detail in the signal because more detail was created in the audible range using the higher sample rate, with the ultrasonic filter reducing the aliasing/IMD potential.

Using a high-quality ultrasonic filter in the box also lessens the chance of the filter in your converter - cheap interface/converter DAC/ADCs - from sounding worse. A badly implemented filter in your interface/converter will not sound good if there is a lot of ultrasonic content for it to filter. Now if you have a very high end converter (a modern RME, Lavry, BURL, Prism, Lynx, Antelope Audio (their high end converters), etc) you probably wont have an issue with this, but it still lessens the amount of ultrasonic content the converters filter has to remove giving you a more true representation of the mix, phase, transients, etc.

There is definitely a difference mixing and using processing/soft synths at 96khz vs 48khz or 44.1khz. I prefer 96khz to the lower sample rates. However, higher sample rates come with a lot more ultrasonic content which you need to filter using a high quality biquad filter. My mixes sound pristine now that I am filtering before and after nonlinear processes on each track (compression, limiting, distortion, saturation, modulation, etc.)

Each nonlinear process adds aliasing potential and IMD (Intermodulation Distortion) at higher sample rates. Pre and post filtering at 20khz before and after nonlinear processing reduces the aliasing and IMD substantially. You will hear that your mids and highs are clearer and the transients sound more detailed - which will influence your mixing decisions.

Aliasing and IMD can be very Insidious are bury the detail of your mix - in turn forcing you to make different processing decisions to bring clarity back into the mix - usually a fruitless effort as the damage is already done. Then further down the processing chain you add more nonlinear processing such as compression, clipping, limiting which will only magnify the aliasing and IMD problems.

Furthermore, higher sample rates reduce Inter-sample Peaks - an amplitude peak made between the space of two sample points which will not be calculated properly since only the sample points are counted. This can cause errors in the math when using nonlinear processing such as limiting. Higher sample rates = more sample points and reduces the potentially of inter-sample peaks.

Focus your time on song writing, structure, and sound design. If you put the time into these efforts, then it will be easier to mix your song.

As for mixing. The thing that helped me the most is to mix in mono. IMHO mixing in mono forces you to make different mixing decisions to improve the mix, make space for different sounds, and alters your choice of processing since you are hearing only sounds that are equally playing in the left and right channel. Stereo can trick you in to believing certain sounds are more loud/quiet than they actually are in mono and since you have the stereo field to fill, you pay less attention to cutting/boosting space for your sounds in the mid channel.

I don’t just slap a utility on the master channel and set to mono. I put an Ableton utility at the very end of each channel set to mono. I do all my eq, compression, and fx such as delay, reverb all in mono before the mono utility. Then afterwards, when my mix sounds Excellent, I put a stereo delay and/or reverb or other stereo modulation fix after the mono utility on each channel. Now my dialed in mono signal is filling the stereo field in a controlled manner. I use very little wet/dry on the stereo delay/reverb. A little goes a long way since all channels are in mono and the stereo field is empty. Makes it much easier to get an amazing sounding mix this way. Easier to balance levels, eq, compress, and dial in exactly what I want in the stereo field.

I’ve been carnivore on and off since August 2023. The holidays get me off the wagon sometimes 😁. Longest continuous stretch I’ve done is 4 months strict. If I am strict with the diet after being in it for a while I feel quite tired and fatigued. Recently, I started adding a daily multivitamin to my OMAD routine. I have so much more energy and my fatigue is gone completely.

Everyone is different and maybe some bodies are better at extracting all the nutrients they need from the meat/eggs they eat than others. Or have higher stored levels of vitamins in their liver. If you are feeling tired or run down, try adding a one a day multivitamin to your main meal and see if it helps. For some people - including myself - it can make a huge difference.

I think it comes from western culture of utilizing horses for ranching cattle. Just like dogs are pets in western culture but are consumed for meat in various countries.

Too high on protein can kick you out of ketosis. Too little fat can leave you feeling tired and depleted if you are in ketosis. I eat a stick of butter everyday and heavy cream, on top of the 1lb of beef and 5-8 eggs and I have tons of energy. Before eating that much fat I felt tired and weak all day. I’m still losing weight in the scale while muscle mass is increasing.

Right on brother! Love hearing stories like yours! Keep up the great work. Before you know it you’ll be down in the 200s. Great effort and self discipline! I commend you.

Figure out your strengths. Some people are excellent at song writing, others mixing/sound design, others mastering. You may not be a jack of all trades. Network and collaborate with individuals who are strong where you are weak.

Good luck on your journey back. I used to do a few cheat meals here and there, but the meals always lead back to eating the standard American diet. After my lapse in diet, I’ve been carnivore for two months and I have not strayed from the diet. No cheat meals - even though right now I’m on vacation in Las Vegas; However, I will be eating tons of meat at the buffets! My resolve to stay healthy, fit, and add more life to my years is rock solid now. Stay vigilant. Eddie Abbew’s videos helped me a ton. Every time I get a craving for carbs I hear Eddie’s voice “that’s sugary shit, it’s fucking poison, not food”; I then eat meat and eggs and feel so much better and the craving becomes nonexistent.

Right on. I’m going to be introducing avocado and macadamia nuts into my diet once I hit my goal weight. Eddie Abbew eats avocado and macadamia nuts with his animal focused diet and he’s in incredible shape and health - ex IFBB champion whose body was falling apart from his diet, steroid abuse, and hardcore weight training. He is now in excellent health with zero joint pain.

Carnitine demand B vitamin deficiency.

Are you working out? If you have a sedentary lifestyle and you are near a healthy weight, the diet isn’t going to make you lose weight. You have to start resistance training or do some cardio.

For your OMAD, how many calories are you consuming? Calories in < calories out will make you lose weight 100%. Consuming too much protein can kick you out of ketosis. Ketosis is what will make you lose weight. I started eating a lot more butter and that made me shed lbs in the scale. I do a quarter to a half a stick of butter in my coffee every morning with 1/4th cup of heavy cream. The butter and cream give me energy throughout the day until I eat my first meal around 2 or 3pm. I’m active, on my feet and lifting things everyday. I also do weight training for 30 minutes 3 days as week.

What were you eating? If you were consuming red meat, it’s chock full of heme iron - the most bioavailable form of iron. Should not be deficient if you were consuming only red meat for 3 weeks.

My rule is, if it’s an herb or seasoning I can use it on meat. I use garlic powder, cumin, salt, pepper, rosemary, oregano, thyme, paprika, etc.

I stay away from seasoning that contains titanium dioxide or other anti-caking agents; and of course, no added sugar.

I cook with vinegar or lime occasionally too.

Congrats! Welcome to the club! I too feel amazing on carnivore. You will see a huge body transformation over the next several months. Maintaining low body fat, gaining muscle, and feeling great! I did keto before and got into great shape but always felt a little bit tired and was constantly craving carbs since I was still dabbling in them up to 50g per day. Now, the only carbs I consume are in dairy and no more than 10g per day. Start my morning with a bulletproof coffee with heavy cream, eat lunch around 1pm - 8 eggs with a little hot sauce and salt, and eat around 1lb of beef for dinner sometimes with a couple eggs. I’ve been consistently losing 2.5lbs per week, gaining muscle mass, have lots of energy, sleep better (no more sleep apnea), skin is cleared up, prediabetes is gone, and a host of other benefits. Hope you enjoy your carnivore journey.

Fat adaptation can take up to a month with some individuals. Make sure you are consuming enough fat. In the morning I drink coffee with a quarter stick of butter and heavy cream. Lunch around 1pm - 5-8 eggs with butter, hot sauce, and salt. Dinner around 6pm - pot roast or ground beef as much as I can eat until full.

The more fat I eat, the faster I became fat adapted and the more body fat I seem to shed. You may get the shits at first as you ramp up your fat intake but it’s normal.

It definitely improves cognition. I’m 38M and have been suffering from endorphin issues for years (due to past extracurricular activities in excess). I believe my body overproduces MAO. Epicatechin is a pretty strong MAOI for both A and B with a stronger affinity for B. It’s possible the beneficial endurance and vascular effects are expressed via the increased endorphin pathway. I take 200mg daily and have seen a dramatic increase in my motivation, memory, physical endurance, and ability to build muscle. This is the only supplement I take. Also, I eat a carnivore diet.


Honestly you probably need to eat more. My first run with carnivore I was doing OMAD and I felt great at first, but then the fatigue set in and I was exhausted.

This is my second run with the carnivore diet. Now I eat when I am hungry. I start my morning with a large cup of coffee with a 1/4th to 1/2 stick of butter in it as well as heavy cream. Then I don’t eat until around 1pm or 2pm - 6-8 eggs with butter and hot sauce (no preservatives). For dinner I eat pot roast or ground beef with salt and pepper - usually 1lb.

This is my second run and I’ve been on for 2.5 weeks and have lost 8lbs. Seems like the more butter/fat I consume, the better I feel and the more body fat I shed.

You really have to ramp up the fat consumption considerably. Doing so will dramatically increase your ketone production which will make you feel more energized, become fat adapted faster, and shed more body fat. Make sure you are active and working out at least 3 days a week.

If you consume too much protein it can kick you out of ketosis. You need to be eating a lot of fat. Eggs are one of the best foods you can eat on this diet since they contain every vitamin except for C, and are loaded with protein and fat. Cook your eggs in butter, not just a little bit of butter, more like 1/4th of a stick. Generally, I consume close to one stick of butter everyday - 1/2 to 3/4th of a stick daily.

Wish you the best of luck!

He has enough body fat to fuel himself. A pound of fat is roughly 3,333 calories. 80lbs of body fat = 266,666 calories. Also says he’s eating ribeye so he is definitely still getting fat from his diet too.

Not here. I eat 8-12 eggs a day. Feeling great!

I looked into this but ended up going with Sunshine/Moonlight to stream AAA games from my RTX 3080 PC to the Ally with my WiFi 6 network. Runs absolutely flawlessly.

Clone it. Way easier. Turn off bitlock encryption in windows for your Ally drive, then get one of those USB-C NVME adapters and use Macrium Reflect. Wam bam. I did mine a couple weeks ago. Took a few hours including the decrypting of the drive.

If you have gaming PC with an RTX card, you can grab the Z1 and use sunshine/moonlight to stream to your Z1. Perfect use case for this. So you can play on your couch or in bed.

Download Playnite on your PC, and launch Moonlight on the Ally, then select Playnite. It loads the proper gamepad controls for you automatically. Then you launch whatever games you want from inside Playnite.