I genuinely thought this was an attempt at eye shadow at first.

Yep I did this once but didnā€™t realize it. I legit thought I had Covid. Had to count my pills and I realized what I did wrong šŸ˜­

It was pretty exploitative on many levels, but it was better than TFA.

Iā€™m a TFA alum and Iā€™m telling you this happened at institute lmao


They literally showed episodes from season 4 of the wire to prepare us in ā€œteach for Americaā€ training lol

Edit: this was over ten years ago and I agree fuck TfA lol

FLA - NHL :60206:

The panthers partner with seatgeek, you have to get your tickets on that app.


Mmmmmmmmmm. Yeah sure Jan, thatā€™s what weā€™re doing.

I have never heard someone say they ā€œlostā€ their appendix. Like it was something vital to their lives šŸ˜­

Bro deep into the luteal phase what the fuck no one is as obsessed with her period as ash

Yep. Youā€™re not suppose to drink for safety reasons.

THIS IS SICK. Is she allowed to post the kids now??? This is SICK.

Itā€™s uncanny. Get that boy a long wooden pipe.

I love being a teacher! Is it easy? No. Is it awesome? Yes. Mostly. Does it pay well? Lmao no.

Every career has pros and cons.

Bennett :Benny:

BRO GO LOOK AT TWITTER they wonā€™t shut up about how much we suck. Are we not allowed to defend ourselves?

The internet is forever. Go back and look. After we lost to the Knights, we shut our mouths and moved on. We didnā€™t troll their parade. EVERY SINGLE POST about the panthers now is met with trolling from oilers fans.

So who are the sore losers? The panthers, who took their loss and shut up, or the oilers who whine on EVERY SINGLE POST celebrating us.

Well in this imaginary scenario that exists in my mind only, the hoa and code enforcement donā€™t have boats.

I have a very strange backstory and I often wonder if Iā€™m believed in a psych setting. Once I was being admitted to a residential facility and I was telling the psychiatrist the whole story and she stopped with sort of a shocked look on her face and said ā€œā€¦. Did we have your sister here?ā€ Yep. Yā€™all sure did šŸ˜­ (my sister and I were both there for more than 90 days so it makes sense sheā€™d remember. Also it really is a wild story.)

In the past when people at work asked me what I did over the weekend or last Tuesday or whatever, I would say church so when things came up I could be like ā€œsorry I canā€™t, I have Bible study.ā€ Tuesday night? Bake sale. Wednesday night? Youth group volunteer. Thursday? Choir practice. Friday night? Worship service. Saturday night? Prayer group. Sunday? Two services. So sorry. Canā€™t help.

I would build a sick tree house here.