"during arguments I speak even quieter than usual"

Ooo ooo!! Found the water torturer!! "How can you be angry at me, I'm so quiet and calm when I steal all of your food and leave you with nothing to eat and a huge pile of dishes?"

Jinkx is absolutely living the ultimate Theatre Kid dream with this one, and she nailed it!

NTA. $0.30 instead of $30 is a HUGE mistake, to the point where any reasonable person would think it wasn't a mistake and she was trying to pocket the money. The screen right in front of her was saying $30 owed, so it's not even a bad math issue.

I'm not sure she told you the truth about why she was fired, and if she was, it wasn't the whole truth. By her own account, she was fired for "making too many mistakes", indicating that this was a recurring pattern. If she was being truthful, then if she hadn't made that mistake with you, the final mistake would have been with someone else.

I agree with the others here - hunter is a good option for an occasional player. It offers travel skills to make getting around the map faster, it's really strong in both solo landscape and grouped instances at any level, the ranged attacks are great for deeding (especially in comparison to a burglar), the skills and play style don't change significantly when you get to endgame, and it's just a fun class.

I really like the twist you give to this, especially with that last line. I was wondering at first if this would be a grief vampire or something.

I honestly don't know, but I would guess something to do with the pH level of your skin, something in your environment (ie humidity levels), or as you suggested the formula becoming more prone to oxidization with age. I would really love to know the answer to this too because I've had this happen to me!

Woah NTJ in the slightest. The teacher's inexpert guess based on one family member does not overrule your daughter's actual medical diagnosis and likely years of appropriate treatment. That was inappropriate of her in the first place. And then to phone up your daughter at home when she knew you wouldn't be there, after you had spoken with h this teacher, is absolutely beyond the pale, completely and utterly inappropriate, unprofessional, violates all appropriate ethical norms, and likely a fireable offense. Getting yelled at by you is the absolute least this teacher deserves. Good on you for standing up for your daughter, keep going. Get that teacher's head on a platter.

It reads like a dude who spent every second of couples therapy diligently learning how to gently weaponize therapy speak in order to get away with not changing a thing about that he does. She didn't ask for the millionth time with curiosity or gentleness not to put away something she had been eating, therefore it's her fault.

He was the AH from the very first sentence and all it implied about how he behaves.

My headcanon is that Robert then turns on his parents because their guard is down and he knows their methods, saving his friend. Poor kiddo.

Koh Gen Do 213

I have the same issue - everything turns peach or salmon on me. I would love to know if you find a solution!

The Missha is the closest, but it's far too deep. Again, I have the same problem with that one!

Koh Gen Do 213

I think it's because OP is muted - I have the exact same thing happen to me. Adding blue would tone it down. I'm also searching for a solution to the Peachy Problem!

I too would love to see some swatches. How does it compare to some other common shares discussed here?

"When I'm able to..." Ah. So she and the family get the leftover time.

NAH. A gift should be for the recipient, and it sounds like they honestly want to do something nice for you, but you haven't communicated that you wouldn't enjoy the trip to Arizona. It's there a reason why they want to visit Arizona? Maybe try gently suggesting something else? A local day trip to see something you haven't done before?

Yeah I agree there's not enough information. Unless he reveals his AHery in the comments, I'm undecided on this one. At the very least, we can say he's bad at communication and was an AH for failure to explain the flight thing, so the likelihood of other AH traits is high.

I wonder what other parts of her children's inheritance she's tried to claim for herself "to benefit us in the long run".

It's even worse than his other post. In his one comment, he admits he also forced oral sex on her after, then the next morning thought she should be smiling so as to "not ruin the mood". She was repeatedly raped and then he got upset that she wasn't smiling about it. He's a monster who belongs in jail.

The similarity of writing styles, the closely matching descriptions of how he spent his time, and the replication of certain unnecessary phrases (millions of people saw the post) makes me think the same person wrote both posts. We don't even get new details on why the MIL is really there, what all she's doing, where she's staying if she lives far away. His reply just reads like a setup to the "so you want to talk about this on Reddit, let's talk about this on Reddit" follow-up.

Oh that was fun! One of those "immediate rereads" so see what you missed on the first go. Thanks for sharing!

Especially given the extent of their conservative upbringing. You don't come out into that unless it's absolutely bursting out of you and you can't hold it in any more. Facing the backlash is preferable to holding it in any longer.

I wish nothing but the best for his sister.

The character in this is such an attentive and dedicated stay at home dad that I could absolutely see him trying to teach the baby "papa" for that reason, and being confounded by the "duh-duh". Thanks for sharing, I love stories that completely surprise me like this one did!

"She's been adapting well!" Proceeds to describe his 12 year old traumatizing the baby and mother incessantly for the past 5 months

How on earth has this been allowed to go on for five months? She's screeching at the baby every time it makes noise, that is absolutely traumatic and upsetting for the infant.

How awesome must that have been for the BF to randomly encounter someone in the wild who could speak his language, only to get shut down by his GF? She could have just gone along with it and enjoyed the practice for her own order, but she apparently found it more important to tell the cashier that she was hearing and not sign at all. Did she really expect the cashier to stand there and pretend he couldn't understand what her BF was saying while she interpreted?

There's a horrible trend in these "abled person dating a disabled person" stories where the abled partner wants to become the default means of accommodation for the disabled partner to interact with the world in order to feel "needed", at the expense of their partner's independence and autonomy.

Ohhhhh interesting! What a fun twist.

On a related note I was recently reading about why "mama" is more common as a first word than "dada" and it's because the D is a much more complex sound to make, requiring the tongue, whereas M just requires the lips, so that's why some experts suggest trying to teach the baby "papa" instead. It might be fun to incorporate knowledge of this - and the father's confusion at the "duh-duh" into a future draft?