Recent years is what we are discussing, basically, right? What's recent? The past 20 years? The 1 bedroom apartment I used to rent in the mid aughts for $650 is now renting for around $1800 (HCOL area). That's barely less than the mortgage/taxes/insurance on my 4 bedroom house. So, that should be factored against the gains made in the market.



"A jury verdict in May 2023 found Trump liable for sexually abusing and defaming Carroll, and ordered him to pay $5 million in damages. "

In regards to rape vs "sexual abuse"

"The former requires forcible, unconsented-to penetration with one’s penis. But he said that the conduct the jury effectively found Trump liable for — forced digital penetration — meets a more common definition of rape. He cited definitions offered by the American Psychological Association and the Justice Department, which in 2012 expanded its definition of rape to include penetration “with any body part or object.”'


Not the US Supreme Court, no. I don't think the current Supreme Court is legitimate. I think a large percentage of Americans agree. If Alito and Thomas recuse themselves from Trump related cases, then I would accept the decision. 58% of Americans disapprove of the US Supreme Court.


First, you'd have to prove that it was Hillary that personally deleted emails. But, secondly:

"I should add here that we found no evidence that any of the additional work-related e-mails were intentionally deleted in an effort to conceal them. "

"In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of: clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. We do not see those things here."

Compare that to Trump, who 12 jurors found to have intentionally committed a felony.

Keep in mind, Trump's Florida case is still ongoing, where jurors will have to determine if he intentionally hid classified information from the government.

Who suppressed Hunter Biden's laptop? Hunter Biden is under indictment! He's probably going to take a plea deal! Obviously, yes, I'm fine with prosecuting Hunter Biden if he did something illegal.

They did go after Hillary. For years. And there was nothing there. Using a personal server was not illegal, no. Neither was deleting emails.

This is a pretty good example. Trump was already convicted for NY tax fraud and was found liable in civil court for rape. There comes a time when prosecutors are going to take an interest in you, just based on your other pretty obviously criminal activity.

It wasn't past the statute of limitations. The statute was extended 1 year and 47 days due to the pandemic. So, the precedent is going after a person for a felony, just under the statute. I'm down with that precedent.


I think if there was a Democrat that was found liable in civil court for raping a woman, and he did this on top of a lot of other fraudulent activity that he was convicted of in New York, they would go after him.

As far as giving leeway to violent criminals, do you mean not charging obviously guilty violent criminals with felonies? I'd like more context I guess. Because Trump is also a violent criminal.


The statute of limitations for criminal charges was extended back in 2021, due to the pandemic. So, they were within the time period for indictment. Your argument simply doesn't hold water.

"New York’s statute of limitations for most felonies is five years. The earliest charge in Trump's felony indictment was described as occurring on Feb. 14, 2017, while the indictment was filed on March 30, 2023.

But Cuomo's executive orders meant that the deadline for filing the charges in the indictment was extended by one year and 47 days, meaning that it was brought just under the wire."

I think the Steelers, Seahawks, 49ers, or whoever else were competing for him saw a team with an absolutely terrible OC that was forcing his qb to throw the ball 53 times in a row. So, they probably don't think he got a proper evaluation under those circumstances.

He's a developmental prospect. They want to see if he could be a possible future starter. What's with the attitude?

Because they think Howell could possibly be a good starter when Geno leaves.

Why should I care if you "give me the benefit of the doubt?" Are you special?

I mean, yes. You can still blame Rg3. But, he would have just been gone quicker and we would have more quickly rotated to Cousins. No healthy regime was going to put up with his crap.

Interesting. And where's the source for when this person claimed to have a PHD?

Interesting. So, it's someone that wasn't actually in the New Yorker article? How, exactly, is that relevant?

So, this person... Do you have a source for when she claimed to have a PHD?

Which source that was quoted in the New Yorker article lied about having a PHD?

Yeah, it was always a little annoying to me. Kinda like American Apparel. They tried too hard to be offensive and "shocking."

Well, Marist was off by 4.5 in 2020 in Biden's favor, but they were dead on in 2022 at R+3.

People have been saying this for years,but the high quality polls are still fairly reliable, within a margin of error.

Think ur missing it bud. The idea that this wasn't RG3's fault is wrong. Sure, it's also Snyder's fault, but NFC East and ROTY winning RG3 had a giant ego before Snyder coddled him. Superbowl winning Russell Wilson had a similar giant ego drama play out with the Seahawks:

The main difference is that the good organization had the presence of mind to realize when the ego got to be too much and traded him away at the right time. The bad organization Redskins decided to try and make it work for a couple more years with RG3 because of ownership.