I had to scroll to far to find this but I'm glade it was mentioned already. After seeing that movie so many times, that scene still hits way to hard.

Those mods are really sensitive right now. I went and did a little battle of Alberta chirping. Banned so fast.

I know one was an elderly lady who got confused. No one was seriously injured but there was a collision. Not sure about other one

This is the 3rd time a driver has gone the wrong way on that gardiners exit ramp at that exact same spot.

I just don't understand the entitlement from these fans. Acting like they worked hard and deserved to draft McDavid. Fucking 4 1st picks in 5 years and one of em was lucky enough to be McDavid. They got lucky with Gretzky skipping the draft. Grow a pair and realize just how lucky your team is. The nhl needs to stop rewarding teams for having a horrible season imo.

170th in A and 179th in G All time

18th in G and 8th in assist of active players. So ya, doesn't even cut into top 10 atm.
Fuck even Matthews has more goals with less games played.
Still so many top tier names of inactive and active players deserve those top 5 spots lol. He still has a long way to go. Settle down and stop letting media hype you up

People need to settle down, guy made it to 1 finals and lost so far. Not even in top 10 atm

If you listen very carefully you can hear him crying from down the hallway.

I tried, mods couldnt take a little chirping, got banned so fast

My favorite post and comments from oilers fans saying it was rigged......like they forgot they won 4 1st picks in 5 years

Did a little chirping, got banned so fast. Responded to mod " Cant do a little battle of alberta chirping here?" i then got muted by mods.

They will pick up a few more 1st picks before that happens again

The audacity of a player on a losing team getting MVP. Looks like you guys will need more 1st picks for a cup.

Says a fan of a team that got 4 number 1 picks in 5 years....

i mean, i cant blame the guy at all for wanting to get the fuck out of Calgary. Shit weather most year, shit management team. This rebuild is going to be long and painful and we dont have the luck of any 1st picks like oilers had.

I am being savage, returning the favor of the shit talk we took back in 04.