I guarantee you not everyone knew the Pacers lost that series and that's it. I never said it wasn't a great performance

How exactly is a factual statement a "bad take".

Takes are opinions I was stating facts, I didn't say his performance wasn't great

After we lost and I said we would've done better without the injuries but did well even with them all I heard was



Oh moral victories count now?

There were points this postseason watching them play defense that I'm looking at my TV like where tf was this all season!?!

Buckle up there's 6 days til the finals start

Luka tanked game 4 just so he could rip the fans hearts out on the road in game 5

Nah that was a long time ago at this point and we weren't exactly a model organization back then lol

Broke: But he only had 2 points in 25 minutes

Woke: Played great D and impacted the game for the Wolves