My partner and I are looking to upgrade our sleeping systems from our current heavy / larger volume bags to a quilt. Since we always travel together, it makes sense in terms of cost / weight savings to get a 2 person quilt. I have been reading reviews here and it sounds like EE accomplice would be the best choice, although I have been second guessing if a two-person quilt would really be practical for us (since all of the reviews I have seen have obviously been more about the gear itself and not whether the situation works well).

  • We have a height difference of > 1 foot which might lead to some cold / empty space under the quilt for the shorter person (me).

  • He runs very warm and I run very cold so I worry that even with venting we would not be comfortable at the same temperature rating.

  • (Not naming names) one of us has a tendency to steal all the blankets by winding them around himself and retreating to the edge of the bed in the middle of the night, and I could see this being a potential issue with a shared quilt. Said unnamed person also has a tendency of being a bit of an active sleeper, although that is already an issue in separate sleeping bags in a 2 person tent lol.

Does anyone using a 2 person quilt have experience with those bullet points and that setup still works for them? Or would it be a bad idea and we should just get separate quilts? Thanks!